{"id":10177,"date":"2022-09-23T12:12:50","date_gmt":"2022-09-23T12:12:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/loans.tiida-nissan.ru\/?p=10177"},"modified":"2022-12-08T18:39:36","modified_gmt":"2022-12-08T18:39:36","slug":"crowdinvesting-for-companies","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/loans.tiida-nissan.ru\/crowdinvesting-for-companies.html","title":{"rendered":"Crowdinvesting for companies"},"content":{"rendered":"

Crowdinvesting is a possibility to have your project financed by many investors. What you should consider, which different possibilities there are and where you can find the right platform for your project, you can find out here.<\/p>\n

Note: Gender-sensitive language is important to us. Therefore, we use gender-neutral terms on this portal whenever possible. Besides we switch to the generic masculine. This expressly refers to all genders (m\/f\/d). This procedure is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any value judgment.<\/p>\n


Definition of terms: The difference between crowdinvesting, crowdfunding, crowdfinancing and crowdlending<\/h2>\n

Before we delve into the topic of crowdinvesting in a little more detail and clarify the question of what crowdinvesting is in the first place, we should explain the terms that are mentioned in this context:<\/p>\n


Is the generic term to the now following expressions. What they have in common is that companies are financed by many backers, i.e. the crowd, and thus receive money independently of a bank. The way this works is different for the different models.<\/p>\n


Crowdinvesting, also called equity-based crowdfunding, is when many investors invest money in a start-up or other project. The keyword "invest" here already indicates that you are hoping for a certain return on investment.<\/p>\n


With crowdfunding it looks already different. This is more likely to be a donation. Whether the backer or the backer will have something financially from his grant is rather questionable.<\/p>\n


Crowdlending, or lending-based crowdfunding, on the other hand, refers to the process when many people decide to give money for an idea. However, you would like to get this money back. Because crowdlending is a form of loan for certain projects, with the difference that no interest is due.<\/p>\n

Crowdinvesting: What does it mean?<\/h2>\n

But now in detail to the actual topic, crowdfunding for businesses. As we now know, this is a special form of business financing. In doing so, a group of people, a specific project or even an entire company finances. It can be a good alternative or supplement to start-up loans.<\/p>\n

By the way, it does not always have to be professional investor:s who participate in crowdinvesting. In fact, even small investors can participate in swarm funding. This is a real further development. Until recently, almost only professional investors such as venture capitalists or business angels could invest in start-ups or special projects.<\/p>\n

In crowdinvesting, investors:inside – as in traditional forms of investment – hope that their invested money will bring a nice return. The difference between crowdinvesting and the more classical investments such as federal treasury bonds or shares is that in the worst case the entire money can be gone. If the startup is not successful, usually the investment is gone too. On the other hand, the prospect of a high return is greater with this type of investment.<\/p>\n

International Language Use<\/h3>\n

If you want to talk about crowdfunding outside of Germany, you should use the term "equity-based crowdfunding". The term crowdinvesting is only used in this way in Germany.<\/p>\n

Advantages of crowdinvesting for companies compared to crowdfunding<\/h3>\n

Investors get more return if the project or company is successful. As a rule, investors do not get a return. The investment is rather considered as a donation. Instead of a return, investors get the finished product as a thank-you gift. Crowdinvesting is not limited to specific projects. Crowdfunding is often used to support artistic or charitable projects. <\/p>\n

In addition, there are other advantages that both investment forms have in common:<\/p>\n