{"id":10346,"date":"2022-10-21T16:00:38","date_gmt":"2022-10-21T16:00:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/loans.tiida-nissan.ru\/?p=10346"},"modified":"2022-12-08T18:42:06","modified_gmt":"2022-12-08T18:42:06","slug":"history-without-the-last-point","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/loans.tiida-nissan.ru\/history-without-the-last-point.html","title":{"rendered":"History without the last point"},"content":{"rendered":"


At night the quarry seemed to explode as explosions . After the voices were searched in the tents and the bright star came our cliffs in our camp, the guys from the Odessa brigade went to "Intelligence" and "Free search". .<\/p>\n

At night, this afternoon, it is not at all on the surface and the heat and the sound of buses, as well as careful trips and sunlight from above, as if in a torn curtain, in each hole funnel .<\/p>\n

At night over the black errors of the old collapsed mantom, the "sidereal clock" of a big Nebenanen. And not a single unnecessary sound, not one of the extra and sometimes confusing us on sewage day at dawn. Only hover, as in the bottomless well, the stars above the separations.<\/p>\n

At night the quarry is almost as they were before explosions.<\/p>\n

. We lived with the military historian Vsevolod Abramov in the army tent, forced by telephones, ministraders, coils with wire, suitcases and finds. Day Vsevolod worked with the captain N. V. YermoShin and his separation from Sappers together. And only when the camp calmed down, we finally did not hurry to speak to each other.<\/p>\n

For some reason I remember very well in those night conversations in which the countless versions were born with the military history agimushkaya. And often during these conversations our "expeditionary nien intelligence" carefully brought to warm, in the literal sense, the iron palms of the little "Sperk" are invaluable to us .<\/p>\n

These were relics, fragments of adzhimushkaya chronicle. What was in them, what was behind them?<\/p>\n

We have written about it on the pages of the magazine (1 publications on ADZhimushka were in the following spaces "around the world": No. 3 for 1969, no. 8 and 11 for 1972, no. 5 and 11 for 1973, no. 2, 7 and 12 for 1974). And now it is time to summarize our three-year efforts, search and excavation in the catacombs, Adzhimushkaya, works in military and other archives, numerous letters to the editor and testimonies of participants in these events. And perhaps advise those who will continue to traverse our search trail. After all, the history of the struggle of the heroic garrison in 1942 is still far away.<\/p>\n


Three years we searched for the archive of the underground garrison, and there were moments when it seemed to me to find it, it would be on the next on the dense layers of paper, which would have been rolled under the land layer. We will find stationery folders, eventually rusty shelf box safes with documents of the headquarters of the Colonel region P. M. Yagununi find that do not allow of many doubts and questions, as they will be the last point. Were they?<\/p>\n

In our archives there are real documents of the Adzhimushkaya chronicle, the surroundings of which confirm the existence of a large and diverse archive of the underground garrison. I mean, the documents that the warriors have found, originating in the quarry in the late 1943 – early 1944 after the liberation of Agimushkaya. Among them were: "Diary of a political officer . ", "The book of appointment of the doctor", "Journal of Accounting for military personnel", "acts on withdrawal of monetary values . ", " Overhead for the municipality I am water consumption of 14. to 31. July 1942 G., "Plans of politoryzany and polytrics of the 2. Battalions for May – June 1942."<\/p>\n

Indirectly confirms the existence of the archive and documents of the enemy, which describes the "strong pockets of resistance", and especially about the organization and management of the underground garrison.<\/p>\n

Finally, this proves the analysis of our numerous and varied documentary finds for the three season of the expedition. We also came across scraps of personnel lists, taking into account weapons, notes on the delivery of food, tobacco, etc., which is about the strict organization and conscientious chronicle of the struggle of the consolidated defense regiment of Stalin's Adzhimushki Kamenolomen. Despite the fact that the regiment formed and fought in particularly difficult conditions, he lived the life of the regular part of the Red Army.<\/p>\n

The archive was because I could not let such a garrison over myself!<\/p>\n

But . perhaps the archive, hidden by the defenders, the fascists?<\/p>\n

Who or what can confirm or refute it? Perhaps only the data of the enemy itself. There is no doubt that he gives into the hands of the fascists – facts, figures, the data on the Agimushki would be on the pages more secret documents. What did the Germans write in their papers of the time?<\/p>\n

. before us "Summary of the report on the Soviet resistance movement in the adjacent means of ADHAEV-EAR (Crimea)", "operational reports of the German command on punitive events against partisans and underground workers", "Extracts From radiograms reported in Berlin "Operational Group D" and Others, reports.<\/p>\n

The main document is "Summary of the report . " is apparently the end of November 1942, but as far as it is intimidated, kosonyasic, inaccurate! It is almost missing that even the names of the main leaders of the defense of the central and small adzhimushki kamenomolom, not to mention the names of commanders and commissars of battalions, heads of regiments and other command personnel. Striking, but the fact – Colonel Pm Yagunov (he seemed to be known to the enemy, to be known to the enemy!) Named From small mantomoms, if you know, they were older Lieutenant M. G. Food. There are almost no exact numbers in the document .<\/p>\n

But . However, one digit is named with unexpected accuracy.<\/p>\n

"Personal composition (small Adzhimushki kamenolomen) at 16.5.42. In particular, in 2011 officers, political officers, commissars and soldiers and 7 civilians."<\/p>\n

Is it an accident? Is it really known to the enemy after the end of the resistance in the Stone Triangles, the number of garrison?<\/p>\n

V. V. Abramov believes – no, no chance!<\/p>\n

In the autobiography of the former auxiliary center of the 1. Front regals, then enters the headquarters of the underground garrison in the small quarry of Lt. V. P. Skoda, although an excellent, but very similar figure – 2211.<\/p>\n

Vladimir Pavlovich Skoda completely exhausted was captured with the last group; The fascist concentration camp was released from captivity in May 1945; Again, as before the war, he worked as a teacher, then the principal in Ukraine and died in January 1954.<\/p>\n

"15. May, 42", he wrote in one of the autobiographies after war, – 1st Front-Line Zap. Regiment accepted the fight with the coming parts (enemy) in p. Adje ears. When the regiment was surrounded by the Germans, we won defensive and developed defensive battles from the 15. May to 30. October 1942.<\/p>\n

. to 30. October 1942 from the main composition of the regiment of 2211 people. 5 people left. "<\/p>\n

Who, of course, is who, and the head of the header should know the exact number of the garrison, but how could this figure be taken on the Germans?<\/p>\n

From the diary of senior lieutenant A. I. Klabukov (1 diary A. I. CLABUKOV Published with abbreviations in the book "Catacombs Agimushkaya". "Crimea", 1970.) It is known that V. P. Skoda directed a diary in the quarries. In the record of 24.6.42, A. I. Clabukov speaks directly about it: "The head of the headquarters of T. Skoda also keeps a diary, I will ask you to read – I wonder." It would be interesting and look at this document, which was headed by the last days of the former rural teacher of defense, but who knows where he is.<\/p>\n

We have no documentary evidence on this account, but compares the number of garrison numbers from the German source with a number from the autobiography of Postwar by Skoda, so it can be assumed that the Germans could find records of the number of garrison .<\/p>\n

And the difference in two? It could just be a mistake of inattention or improper reading of an intense original .<\/p>\n

Well, maybe it was. But so, so it says that he was quite a bit and even then on the back, he could use the enemy!<\/p>\n

Call the number of garrison small Adzhimushki-Kamenomolome, compilers of the "generalizing report" otherwise really give information to generalize and approach to. And above all it clearly when it comes to the garrison of the central Adzhimushki kamenolomen. However, this document was compiled at the time when, according to its authors, the quarry was already "finally cleaned" and only 20 people were in them, which was planned in the coming days a violent environment from the environment. "<\/p>\n

No, we knew the enemies little, judging from the documents, about the garrison of Adzhimushki Kamenolomen.<\/p>\n

No, did not find the fascists of the archive of an underground defense regiment!<\/p>\n

. In November 1943, our Marine paratroopers set foot on Crimean beach. The first soldiers and sailors who took Adzhimushki went down to the collages.<\/p>\n

They came only a year after the end of the defense and saw boxes, folders, letters that lie directly at the entrances and deeply. Perhaps these were the same unsertrunen and eaten soldier letters that were found in 30 years and we. They saw accounting lists, food layout menus, Sovinformbure reports, "bill to purchase and consume water", ID cards, party and Komsomol documents, certificates and other documents of life and the life of the garrison. There were among them and particularly interesting, told the struggle of surrounding warriors, as the already mentioned "Diary of political arms . ". But mostly these were personal documents, let it be important, but still not the most important things that should have been the archive of the garrison.<\/p>\n

In April, a separate coastal army moved to Sevastopol. And again the dark labyrinths of the blown inhales of the kamenomolometer were left for a long time with it still far from known people with heroic past.<\/p>\n

Since then, many years – in them, unfortunately, only groups of ubiquitous kerch guys. Today's guys told us directly that "papers" were never interested in them. Another thing is "hardware": cartridges, weapons .<\/p>\n

But every piece of paper, even with the "outstanding text", as the restorers say, who three dozen years ago showed the pen or told a pencil, it was possible to read, it comes into the hands of specialists! In recent decades, the Adzhimushki quarries have become significantly land, as the documents (and these prove our expedition) are well preserved even in the ground, not to mention the stone bulls, the backups , partitions. And if they were in a field bag, a wallet, a tablet, a suitcase – there is nothing to say!<\/p>\n

Hide the documents not those who answered their security?<\/p>\n

Not once we thought of this problem and tried to solve it, to another "white" side of the Agimushkaya. Why, painted with bullets and fragments, the walls in the depths of the central Adzhimushki kamenolomene, we have not yet found inscriptions firmly attributable to the events of May-October-November 1942?<\/p>\n

In the magazine (1 "around the world", 1969, no. 3.) I spoke about one of the inscriptions, which, then many readers considered the key to the presumption of burialsafes .<\/p>\n

It is not so. Apparently, this inscription surrounded more to include Artel production. But how to answer the question: Why no one wrote the parting words on the stone?<\/p>\n

Often during the excavations we found rolled pieces of paper in the sleeves. One of the similar finds, a clue from the medallion of soldiers, managed to read the specialists in VNIISE (1 VNIIS – All-Union Research Institute of Justicial Auch) with the help of infrared luminescence. It was written in it:<\/p>\n

"I ask to report my death . Samsonenko Grigory Emwelange."<\/p>\n

Probably placed in the medallion of the sleeve or the soldier, which remains on the noticeable place. The note had more chances to find than the inscription made on the raw, smoked walls of the old gallery.<\/p>\n

And this is not a confirmation – let the indirect! – The fact that the other documents of the Adzhimushkaya chronicle should be precisely hidden, and not left in the fact that there was a soldier at hand: seeing pods, cassette boxes, wild pockets.<\/p>\n

In addition, the most valuable (as for those who hid it, and for us, of course) part of the archive should be hidden. Another part, perhaps, was covered during the explosions and collapse along with those responsible for preservation, as it is difficult to assume that the entire archive weakened and exhausted people transferred several times from place to place for parking.<\/p>\n

. for three years of work, our expeditions investigated almost all areas of the Kamenomanian where the defenders of the garrison could be, but we only touched (mostly shovel, scrap and with the help of winch) most interesting , assessing by analyzing the findings at the foot, the Dodge: "Sailor", "two suicide bombers", "polytotel", "central" and "big". Behind these ruins, perhaps, there are no more movements, continuation, emptiness, niches, lowcomers, mud . clear: these virgin places are not easy to find, and it showed during the second expedition in June – August 1973 a test drill. But the probability of finding there a part of the archive can be considerable. It is probably all that was long in forty seconds. Neither the soldiers and the sailor with the third year, nor the boy "pioneer" have never been in these slaves.<\/p>\n

The archive of the underground garrison is located in the labyrinth of the camerolome.<\/p>\n


Are there other ways to look, other ways that would lead to find?<\/p>\n

The last editorial brought a letter to Moskvich pensioner Fyodor Romanovich Ishmaeva. Here it is:<\/p>\n

"The part where I had served from the beginning from November 1943 to April 1944 was in the village of Kappana, seven kilometers southeast of Adzhimushkaya.<\/p>\n

On the second or third day after our landing, civilians informed us that in the quarries people mined all the days.<\/p>\n

I was the head of the headquarters of the part and immediately sent the platoon of sappers under the command of officer Kharitonov. The sappers revealed and neutralized mines before he entered, and began to search in the mantomoloma.<\/p>\n

Unexpectedly, a fire of automatons opened from a single corner and wounded our fighter, who preceded with the Minion merchant.<\/p>\n

The negotiations began with the shooting on the admission to the wounded at least the Sannaster. The shooters were rejected and only after long disputes agreed to admit a sinaster.<\/p>\n

For a long time she gave no results and further negotiations. We report that they are released, that we arrived in a quarry specifically for their search and support, unknown did not believe to get out of the niche and even categorically banned. At the same time stated, "We know you, not the first time we have tried this way! They disguise the Polyzai traitors . "<\/p>\n

Gave no values and documents. Only with our proposal to leave the hostages of them, and they assign the representative to check the care of the Germans agreed by them.<\/p>\n

The representative came to the exit and made sure that our troops were moving on the road, saw that front line newspapers taken with him, with him walking on the road, and believed.<\/p>\n

After leaving the mantom, these people asked for food, like them, they were fed according to the skins of two sheets of cows approaching the mines.<\/p>\n

There were about 20 people, the appearance was extremely exhausted – skeletons; some could not walk, and they had to endure. According to the report, many of their comrades died of starvation and were buried in quarries near niches where they were at the time of detection.<\/p>\n

Personally, I did not see these people, as I did not accept the direct participation in the fulfillment of the task, but I established the circumstances of the case, when I was reported by kharitons, officers and fighters who performed it. Ishmaev. "<\/p>\n

. Of course, it is difficult to assume that these twenty people were the last defenders of the underground fortress. Probably they were partisans, Kerch patriots, who were hidden from the enemy. However, it turns out that even before the fighters of the landing of souls, they were the first sovietists who went down in a quarry? And in this regard, the stroke of the political deviation, which is the 22. March 1944, the head of political waste of a separate coastal army, the general Major Ss Emelyanov, the head of the main political department of the Red Army, the Supreme General as Shcherbakov.<\/p>\n

Listing documents (we wrote above), found in Adzhimushki quarries after the liberation of the area and the completion of the report, written EMYANOV:<\/p>\n

"Sound documents that are important to make. A large number of documents selected by the partisan department were transferred to the NKVD authorities of the Akhtaniz district of the Krasedodar territory. "<\/p>\n

It turns out that the partisans, who, like water through the stone, seeped into a quarry, also collected the documents of ADZHIMUSHKAYTSEV!<\/p>\n

Are these people alive? Have answered when you read these lines?<\/p>\n

. Start publishing materials on Agimushka, we hoped to read letters, hoped that unknown participants and eyewitnesses will respond to these events, new characters will be recognized and new sides of the immortal defense will be revealed – but confess we did not expect A numerous and diverse mail!<\/p>\n

Letters came to the editor in which the readers were asked to put all the force to indicate the history of the underground garrison, offered versions, advisable how to better organize searches and excavations, varnished diagrams and plans, and finally they themselves revealed the desire to take part in the expedition "as a simple residency".<\/p>\n

No words, as we were grateful all this to the correspondents, as he warmed us and inspired us by their letters – from the small, in half the airtal page of the letter from twelve-year-old Dima Yistyshev from Krasnoufimsk, which suggested interesting and probably the right reading of the "strange address" (1 "around the world", 1974, \u2116 7. We are talking about a letter "with a child's grip, circled with a pencil."), before letters adult readers: Engineers, workers, students, scientists, who as well as we carry away the military history agimushkaya, and having read everything that is written about the underground fortress, with full right to express their thoughts.<\/p>\n

But every time a letter in the editorial note, in which the reader reported that he was a member of the described events, unwittingly wanted to cover the line quickly. The one who wrote could not see the Colonel PM YAGUNOV again to meet with the IP parach line of the Commissioner, to meet other defense leaders, and perhaps to learn the main thing that we are interested in . But most correspondents, judge From us . but most of the correspondents, according to letters after letters, were only the first time in the quarries, until the end of May-June 1942. They remembered interesting details, wrote a lot about the attacks of fascists with smoke attacks and gases called their comrade, but they could not answer many other important problems.<\/p>\n

Was in our editorial contribution and special, small "streams" of letters whose authors heard stories about Kerch quarries from their older friends, relatives, fathers.<\/p>\n

"My father was in these quarries until the last day," the readership from the city of Makeyevka Donetsk, it may be able to tell you much interesting and new about the quarries. "<\/p>\n

". I would like to say that I know a member of the defense Kamenolomen," reported the reader from Marcask district of East Kazakhstan region. – I heard a story myself, but I was 13-14 years old at the time, and I understood little. I will go to him with the magazine and read your article . "<\/p>\n

And finally, this is a letter .<\/p>\n

"Dear editors!<\/p>\n

I accidentally read an article about the Adzhimushki quarries. I was very torn (she served herself, I was 24 years old, I work in the Izhora factory).<\/p>\n

Article your tells of what I have heard many times in childhood, and for some reason I remember these quarrels among Kerch. The fact is that my father told me about the events in the quarries, he is a participant in the underground defense . During the war, the father served in the infantry, in the calculation of machine gun. Part numbers and all other details i, unfortunately, can not be called now.<\/p>\n

Father fought on the Karelian front, and when he went south, I can't remember either.<\/p>\n

But I know that he fought there, then he was in these quarries and was captured by the wounded. (He had a shot in the left shoulder.)<\/p>\n

I understood little at the time, so I did not ask the father of the questions, but only he listened. But in your article with his story converges everything: how they were poisoned by gas and delayed by the explosions, lustful the entrances, the Manifra bread and ladies and threatened to flood the quarry with sea water. They lacked water and ammunition .<\/p>\n

After captivity, the father was in Romania, in the forty-four years, freed from captivity, was cast and sent to the protuberance, where he was injured again, he received fragmentation wounds in his head and after the hesitation of the hospital, He still did not get up and ended the war with a tailor headquarters. (Before the war he worked a tailor.)<\/p>\n

My father, next to us, did not tell anyone that he had to go through these quarries.<\/p>\n

. Well, that's all I can write. Soon I will have a vacation, I will go to the village and I will definitely find out all the details from my father.<\/p>\n

I ask for an assessment to my letter. Glory".<\/p>\n

Of course, we wrote fame, wrote his father, but unfortunately he did not respond. Until we and some other participants in the Adzhimushkaya defense we learned not only from letters of their friends and relatives .<\/p>\n

But we hope that they will respond and tell of those who will never tell of themselves.<\/p>\n

There are still, it seems, people who can tell a lot about Adzhimushka!<\/p>\n

What is the further search in Adzhimushki quarries?<\/p>\n

We know that the new season will be created by the participants of last year's expedition, students of the Mountain Institute, which is going to V. V. Vakhrushev is named. In the 75. year they decided to organize an expedition to students of all Sverdlovsk universities.<\/p>\n

Will participate in the excavations of Odessans; guys and guys from the Lipetsk expeditionary club, who were also in Kerch, went to the quarry, and for seven days was found the search for grenade RG-42, anti-tank grenade, Limonka F-1, German bayonet, our machine PPS with The preserved number and the shell of the German Gaubitz (it is very good that they reported the last find).<\/p>\n

It seems that one can only welcome the initiative of the groups of KOMSOMOL members and pioneers active in the heroic past Adzhimushkaya. However, it is impossible to forget that the search under the crumpled arches of the underground labyrinth for the purpose of excavations and search for military relics and documents is not at all a walk, and not even a hike in places of the battle frame. After all, only our second expedition during the search for documents with the sappers up to a thousand (!) Explosive objects discovered and neutralized, any of which could work .<\/p>\n

We know that measures are taken to prevent self-primary excavations on the territory of the Kamenomanian. Following the decision of the KERCH Executive Committee of the city representative of workers Adzhimushki Kamence announced a prohibited zone.<\/p>\n

The Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR adopted a decree on the construction of KERCH, 1974-1975 for the Memorial Ensemble "Heroes Agimushkaya" in 1974-1975.<\/p>\n

Such news can not rejoice.<\/p>\n

However, if we talk about the continuation of research, it is quite clear that the pattern sheet is not the instrument by which any number of detachments can obtain new testimonies of courage and resistance of the underground garrison even for adults young enthusiasts. Of course, Adzhimushka needs constant, long-term, and perhaps the ALL-Union expedition. Various interested organizations could participate in it.<\/p>\n

Agimushki is a unique monument of our recent military history, and it must be not only in state and at the same time public care and security, but also in a serious scientific study.<\/p>\n

Arseny Ryabyin, V. Orlov (photo), our specials. Corr.<\/p>\n

Unknown Become famous<\/h3>\n

The search for restoration of names of participants of heroic defense of Agimushki kamenolomen brought new results (1 in \u2116 2 of the magazine for 1974 for 1974 was found a letter of V. Abramova "missing" .. "..). With stronger reliability we can talk about who were mainly the defenders of the underground fortress, and under what circumstances they were there.<\/p>\n

The Jagunov cadre, as seen from archive documents, began on 14. May 1942 to be on the orders of the Crimean front command. On that day it collected in the headquarters of the front, which was still in Adzhimushki quarries, all existing weapons and ammunition – they were transferred to the armament of the cadre. A day later, it already represented a fully defined military unit and consisted mainly of the reserve of the command and the political composition of the Crimean front. The cadets of the aviation schools went adjacent to the "reserve", some of which were reduced to the so-called combat battalion of the front headquarters. All these people have created the foundation of the future underground garrison, were the cement that connected all the defenders into a single whole.<\/p>\n

Member of the defense Agimushki Kamenolomen C. S. Shaidurov says:<\/p>\n

"I worked at the headquarters of the" reserve "and many incoming documents passed through me on. I remember that the Kamenomen came shortly before the start of the defense in the U.S. near the replacement regiments, which were in Dubovka near Stalingrad, and from the Nutlugi station near Tbilisi, Krasnodar infantry schools, a group of commanders from courses at the MV cheerfulness military academy, graduates of Stepanakertsky infantry school, who were formerly students of the University of Tbilisi. The "reserve" Captain V. M. Levitsky, the military commissar, was the senior political officer S. M. Izakov. With the beginning of the battles, KERCH was set to P. M. Yagunov put. It should be added that graduates of Michurin Engineering, Tbilisi Artillery School, Murom Communications School, Stalingrad Kurselight, were also in the "reserve". Therefore, the department had many commanders and political workers. This explains that during the defense of the kamenolometer was often fought to the position of ordinary fighters.<\/p>\n

During the fighting (even to the environment new fighters and even whole units were poured into the cadre of Yagunov. The front command was formed in the area of crossing of the communists and KOMSOMOL members of the consolidated platoons and companies, they armed and sent to the village Adzhimushki. For example, it is known that one of these groups was the battalion commissar M. N. Karpecin prompted, who played an important role in the defense of small Adzhimushian kamenolomen. Before the war worked M. N. Karpecin as one of the secretaries of the Mogilev Committee of the party .<\/p>\n

Is it possible to produce the names of commanders and polymath workers "reserve"? Unfortunately, it is in the foundations of the archive of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR not preserved documents 1. Correct, in 1943-1944 was found a fates office notebook with lists of "reserve" in Adzhimushkai transverse giants. However, when they showed further searches, only graduates of one of the Krasnodar (former Vinnitsa) infantry schools (former Vinnitsa) were included in it, including the author in which the author was to my mind, the author who was found in the diary quarries – junior lieutenant Ai Trophimko ((2 "around the world", 1969, no. 3; 1974, no. 7.) It should be noted that the documents of most parts of the Crimean front were also not survived. They died during heavy waste and crossing through the street.). Prplsle War This notebook hit the archive of the USSR Ministry of Defense along with some other Agimushki documents.<\/p>\n

And here it is in front of me, this thick office notebook. The document is restored, but all the sheets in watercourses are broken in some places. In general, the lists are well read, they were a man with a clear, beautiful handwriting. Familiar on the diary and expedition excavations of the surname: V. I. Kostenko, P. Saltykov, N. Filippov . And here are unknown to us – Lieutenants N. I. Doronichev, I. G. Kirpil, N. G. Gladkov, with F. Ivchenko, younger lieutenants E. Ovchadov, MM Turingan, Yavorsky..<\/p>\n

But not all commanders mentioned in this notebook came to a quarry. For example, Lieutenant I. D. Spade (I managed to find him) fought to the east adzhimushkaya, near the village of Bucks. I. D. Spade said that during a defensive battle he goes to climb into a German baked tank, in which there were many ammunition, and there were several fascist tanks from the gun and many car gunners. Shot of all ammunition, he moved away with a group of fighters road from Kerch and crossed him by them to breed means. Later he successfully fought, for forcing the Dnieper was the Order of Lenin. He resigned to the rank of captain. Now he lives in the Kharkiv region.<\/p>\n

Other documents which came to us are the documents of the wounded, overhead on consumption of water, plans of political promenade. They also meet the names of the participants of the Agimushkaya defense. I read: Lieutenants T. S. Shevchuk, V. I. Khovdilin, E. A. Rosov, E. I. Znamensky; Khodakov, S. N. Serenko, P. V. Pokrovsky; Politruki Gotadze, M. F. Sashenko, V. S. Pantschenko, G. F. Kuznetsov, F. P. Yablonovsky. All this apparently commanders and political workers "reserve". And although there is still nothing about these people, we now have their names!<\/p>\n

Is it possible to recover the names of the participants of the defense without documents "reserve? For example, when I had on "open" the names of cadets of aviation schools. Among the defenders were known kamenolomen the cadets of Armavir, Krasnodar, Yaroslavl Aviashlik. We knew more about the latter's cadets thanks to interesting reminders about N. D. Nemtsov. For publications in the magazine, former cadets V. S. Klimov, V. E. Akinshin, V. M. Kostyuchevich, V. P. Pechur, who has also already reported some names of their comrades respond.<\/p>\n

Having arrived in the archive, I asked to bring lists of documents of aviation schools. The depository of means brought inventory of Krasnodar and Armavir aircolk collections and said:<\/p>\n

– As for the documents of the Yaroslavl Aviation school, we do not have them. Few money statements for 1942 remained. Yes, and they came to us by chance .<\/p>\n

– Well, and the names of the cadets in these statements?<\/p>\n

The keeper brought me a folder with documents. On the table put a statement on the issuance of money from the command of the school, the instructors who serve staff . and here are the cadets. Clearly dismissed surnames and initials. This is undoubtedly a valuable find. I briefly look at the lists. First, in search of a surname of Cadet N. D. Nemtsova. Here she is in the list of the 3. Squad of the 3. Avia Squadrille. Good memory under Nikolai Dmitrievich, he remembered the names of most of the cadets of his study group, but, of course, could not remember the cadets of the entire division. After all there were 127 people!<\/p>\n

The monetary statement of the 1. Cadets of the 2. Avia Squadrille. As it became known from the letter sent to the publication V. S. Klimov responded, most of the cadets of this department were Leningraders. I find V. S. Klimov and the city V. Anisimov, V. P. Boldyrev, A. Gromova, A. V. Maksakova, B. Nutrichina, B. I. Panicheva, A. YE. Yakushev. And here is I. V. Nikolaev. It must be stopped closer. As reported earlier, in the summer of 1973, during the work of the expedition in the ADZhimushki quarries, a fragment of the list of KOMSOMOL members of the 1. Society of the Underground Garrison found (1 "Worldwide" 1974, no. 7.). During the recovery of the document of the employee of the State Historical Museum, Tn Yutanova and I managed to recover the following text: ". Vasilyevich, 1922 birth, Russian, in Komsomol since 1937, a collective farmer, Leningrad region, Ostrovsk . Nevsky C \/ Council, the. REULEYAT. " With the newspaper "Young Leninet" of the Pskov region, where after the war is the Ostrovsky district, it was possible to restore the lost part of the text: "Nikolaev Ivan Vasilyevich, the flies of the rural council, the village Rubanyat. " When I received the first information about I. V. Nikolaev received, immediately remembered that his surname is also in the list of KOMSOMOL members of the underground hospital of Adzhimushki Kamenolomen. This list (only 60 surnames) was compiled in 1969 with the help of a scientific staff N. P. Vaulin discovered in the store with the central museum of the USSR armed forces. Together with I. V. Nikolaev, Komsomol members of Gorchanov Evgeny Vasilyevich, Alex Chroups. Ivanovich, Izchenko Ivan Zakharovich (the last name of the latter was written in fuzzy). And so through the monetary statement of the "Leningrad Squadron", I saw the names of E. V. Gorchanova and A. I. Krupov. Immediately became clear. There weren't enough medical personnel – and cadets sent to hospital. It was a hard, responsible work. Only the most conscientious and honest people could deal with it. When Soviet soldiers in 1943 found the village of Agimushki free from the fascists and descended in the quarry, they saw in the underground hospitals among the dead, uncracked fighters and hospital bearers . Until the last breath they had their duty.<\/p>\n

Is there data in underground defense documents about other cadets of the Leningrad Squadron? Preserved, but read extremely poorly. In the 1. Company, which was mentioned earlier, already managed to read the list of KOMSOMOL members, read: ". Nikolaevich, born 1922, Russian, in KOMSOMOL since 1938, Leningrad, cook . " The next text is lost. However, this is obviously the Cook alley, which is located next to Vladimir Square. In the alley there are few houses, in one of them, someone from the fighters of the underground garrison lived. Information about another LeningraDz: ". Vladimir Petrovich, born in 1922, Russian, in the KOMSOMOL since 1937, Leningrad, ul. Prof . 1 . ". "Ul. Professional . ", obviously means Professor Popov Street. On the Petrograd side there is such a street in Leningrad. But how to put the last name? I looked at the initials of the entire group of Kadet-Leningrad residents in the currency statements. With the initials "V. Ns. " There are only two cadets: V. P. Antonov and V.P. Dobrovolsky. Perhaps this is the address of one of them? I hope that further searches on this question will be clarified.<\/p>\n

As already mentioned, many fighters, commanders and polymath workers and other parts and connections of the Crimean front entered the underground garrison. As I wrote earlier, in the quarry, almost the entire 65. separate Railway battalion (1 after crossing the troops of the Crimean front, the battalion was restored and received the name of 55. separate railroad restoration. Loss of the loss of the communer food For the 11. May 1942, the headquarters of this battalion already went under the new name, which was reflected in our previous publication ("around the world", 1974, no. 2).), Which the captain F. M. Zolkin commanded. Thanks to the veterans of this battalion, A. I. Ludody, K. M. Bodrovu, E. F. Kohanova (Veligonova) and the search in the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, relatives of many commanders and political workers who fought in the quarries.<\/p>\n

However, the search for ordinary and sergeant composition was extremely difficult. The main reason for this is the lack of archival documents. In the foundations of the 36. Railroad Brigade, which was divided the battalion, it was possible to find two political reports for April 1942. The reports reported in great detail about the restoration and repair of the railroad on the Kerch Peninsula, as well as the progress of the railroad soldiers on the military credit. In these documents, in addition to the already known commanders and political workers, a number of fighters and younger commanders are mentioned. Here are their last names: Algashov, Glukhushkina, Geranin, Cickers, Kaholov, Kolochyev, Rabben, Bushes, Lisov, Loginov, Makeev, Markelov, Nimushin, Oromenko, Ostashkin, Pantyukhin, Penyasov, Ryzhakov, Sizy, Sukonin, Foenkov, N. a . SHENETS, LEBBETIN. Of the listed participants in the ADZhimushki documents, N. A. Shenets known. In the list of wounded communists Underground Hospital we read: "Shenets Nikolay Akum, Russian, candidate for CHL. WCP (B), sergeant, died on 30. May 1942. "<\/p>\n

Readers have provided invaluable assistance in the search for heroes ADZhimushki. In the publication "missing?" Said the younger Lieutenant Zentionsov. It is under this family name that he is mentioned several times in the diary, which after the war A. I. CLABUKOV is found. But the surname proved to be distorted, became clear when the native Evgenia Zemtsov answered.<\/p>\n

These were born in Moscow in 1922, was very musically talented. Studying in high school played in the ensemble of folk instruments in the Moscow Culture House of the Culture of Railway People. After graduation, he worked as a teacher of a music school. Preparing for admission to the conservatory. A month before the start of the war called Evgenia Zemtsov to the army, and in August 1941 he had already accepted combat with baptism. In one of his letters from the hospital he wrote: "I stayed about two months in front, all the time at the front. I still have a happy man, as I assumed so much about such changes that I was surprised afterwards. In battles I was all the time for which I was appointed with commander. I stayed until the last day, when I was injected with a fragment in the leg. "<\/p>\n

Evgenia Zemtsova loved the comrades in defense of the small adzhimushki kamenolomene. This is what A. I. CLABUKOV in his diary about him wrote: "Theses are an intellectual, the guy he is fair . there were no difficulties, we have weakened, but not yet. This is our guy . If it comes from here, it will work well, will be a loyal Bolshevik . "Commander of the communication of the communication of the 1. Replacement shelf of the Crimean front junior lieutenant Ea Zeztsov, as of Ai Clabukov, died on 20. August 1942 in a quarry from hunger and wounds on the 97. Day of defense of the underground fortress.<\/p>\n

You can try to look for the traces of the participant of the defense, if his last name, the name . and if not, and that? A. G. SEPANENKO, Now Director of the Glushkovskaya School of the Glushkovskaya region, in his memoirs, in his memoirs in his memoadist in the Michurinsky Engineering School and Adzhimushka – the lieutenant unknown by us, who died while protecting one of the yields of Kamenolomen. The name and surname of his A. G. Stepaneko, unfortunately, forgot. But what exactly remembered, this is the place of his work before the war and even the position: the station executive committee of the station Castor, the inspector for public accounting. I wrote to schoolchild the village Castor. Through the locals, the veterans of the work, the guys found that the inspector on accounting, when the executive committee worked before the war of Sisian Lion Panfilovich. In the spring of 1942, he really studied at the Michurin school, later on the front. The relatives of the Siberian L. P. in Kastorno were not exposed, but the guys still managed to find his amateur photo of the locals. After A. G. Stepanenko had received a snapshot, recognized A. G. Stepanenko to his comrades. Another ajimushka became known.<\/p>\n

So apparently the names of the people who were in the quarries in May 1942, apparently. In recent years, we were revealed about two hundred and fifty new names, and there is a very real opportunity to increase this number. We need a careful joint work of historians, journalists, restorers and active help from the participants of the fights for Kerch in 1942.<\/p>\n

B. Abramov, military historian<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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