Crowdinvesting for companies

Crowdinvesting is a possibility to have your project financed by many investors. What you should consider, which different possibilities there are and where you can find the right platform for your project, you can find out here.

Note: Gender-sensitive language is important to us. Therefore, we use gender-neutral terms on this portal whenever possible. Besides we switch to the generic masculine. This expressly refers to all genders (m/f/d). This procedure is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any value judgment.

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The church helps when the mountains of debt pile up

Sandra R. (Names of those affected changed) works in a public administration with a permanent position of 50 percent. The fact that debts are still weighing her down and she is only slowly finding her way out of over-indebtedness does not show on the divorced woman's face. She also does not want everyone to know, least of all her children between eight and twelve years old.

The debt spiral is starting to spin

"The debt spiral started with the breakup," says Ms. R. "I received alimony from the divorced husband, but limited, as he himself was already living at subsistence level. Worked first one day. Because of 100 francs too much income I didn't get on welfare. Although I was then able to increase to 50 percent at work, but the extra income reduced the alimony. In the end, I didn't have more, and it just wasn't enough."

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REITs: Still a profitable investment?

REITs: Still a profitable investment?

In a version of the Periodic Chart of Investment Returns compiled by JP Morgan Asset Management for 2000-2015, real estate investment trusts (REITs) were the best performing asset class in eight of those sixteen years. During this period, REITs, as represented by the NAREIT Equity REIT Index, achieved an average annual return of 12.9 percent. The next best-performing asset class over the same period was high-yield bonds, with an average annual return of 8.6%.

As the disclaimer says, past performance is no guarantee of future returns. In the current environment, are REITs still investable investments for retail investors as well as financial advisors and their clients? (For comparison, see: REIT ETFs offer stability. )

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Discover Student Loans: Are They Worth It? (DFS)

Discover Student Loans: Are They Worth It? (DFS)

The Discover Student Loan from Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS DFSDiscover Financial Services67. 13-0. 46% Created with Highstock 4. 2. 6 ) is a private student loan designed to fill the gap between a student's savings, scholarships, and federal financial aid and the total cost of attending college. Students can use the proceeds from a Discover loan for tuition, housing, books, meals, and other qualified expenses. Discover covers up to 100% of school certified cost of attendance and offers flexible repayment plans, but private student loans come with many provisions that affect borrowers.

How the Discover Student Loan Works

For many students, college savings, federal grants, and loans are not enough to cover the rising cost of attending college. From the 1980s through the 2010s, college tuition has increased nearly three times the rate of inflation. When a student sees a funding gap between available money and the total cost of attendance, a private student loan is one way to shore up the difference.

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Can get a job with a general discharge?

Originally Answered: Is it difficult to get a job with a general discharge? No, it shouldn't be harder … A general discharge means you have served successfully, but your record may contain some less than desirable items. This does not trigger a negative reaction from most employers.

If a general discharge is indicated in the background check?

It only appears on a background check if you were dishonorably discharged from the military. If you were honorably discharged or even discharged other than honorably, this will not appear on most background checks. Yes, your military background will show up on a background check.

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Increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in physics

Increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in physics

At Reed College in Portland, Oregon, a young woman of color – a first-year physics student – made an appointment with Mary James, the college's dean of institutional diversity. "She said, 'I heard there was an African-American physicist on campus, and I just wanted to meet you,'" James says. In her interview, the student recalled standing at Blackboard the previous week to work on a problem and suddenly realizing that all of her group partners were white men. She thought if she failed, they would think women of color couldn't hack it. "She said, 'I knew I shouldn't think that. But I could not help." It was a classic stereotype threat," says James, who handed the student a book from her bookshelf about the phenomenon. "This is a really powerful thing, and it really hampers performance."

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My credit comparison

We can all at some point come into the situation that we need money, whether a small or a larger sum. We compare our income and expenses or we know that a major purchase will be necessary, which we must somehow finance.

Loan comparison

So the reasons are many. In many cases, loans are the solution. We also have to and can compare them, namely quite simply on the Internet. Loans for various heights are to be compared with income, which first of all ensures that you can fill financial gaps or take care of purchases, just as you wish.

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