Author: admin

Business Car Loans Rates from 4.99%

Rates current 03-12-2022. National Loans is a Licensed Finance Broker here to assit you when you apply for a business car loan online. Get business car finance today with National Loans.

Business Car Loans

We make both purchasing and financing a car simple. Our finance experts will secure you a low rate from our panel of over 50 lenders, providing you the finance you need for your car purchase.

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Car Loan Pre-approvals: The Most Common Questions Answered

If you’re buying a new or used car, getting a pre-approved loan will put you ahead of the game when you find the right one. It is something that experts highly recommend before you go to any showroom or dealership. Aside from giving you an idea of how much you can borrow, it also puts you in a stronger negotiating position and helps you get the best interest rate possible.

This article will answer and expand on the most common questions you might have about car loan pre-approvals.

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Parent & Family Resources

Parent & Family Resources

We are pleased to have you and your student as part of our UCF community. To ensure the financial aid process is simple and clear, we offer resources to help parents help their students apply for, receive and manage financial aid. Below you will find information about financial aid that may be helpful.

Parent & Family Resources

Your Student’s Rights

FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, protects the privacy of student educational records. Any information provided is kept in strict confidence. Please rest assured that we are very aware of concerns for safekeeping of your information. We want you to know that we strictly adhere to FERPA. Although it does limit what we can share with you about your student, it protects your student. Students can authorize the release of their records via the Registrar’s Office or the myUCF portal. For more information regarding FERPA, please see the Registrar’s Office website.

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Game of Loans

Game of Loans

When you play the game of loans, you win or you… work very hard for very long time just to pay it off.

Not that Cersei Lannister had any issues with spending frivolously (shame!), but us mere mortals and non-fictional characters actually have to pay our debts. Sometimes they work out in our favor, sometimes they put an enormous financial strain.

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Cancelling Student Debt Is Necessary for Racial Justice

Cancelling Student Debt Is Necessary for Racial Justice

At the urging of thousands of borrowers and over 220 organizations representing students, workers, and people of color, the Biden-Harris administration just announced an eighth extension to the federal student loan repayment pause. Payments were set to resume in January 2023, after a Trump-appointed judge’s federal injunction blocked the administration’s planned student debt relief program. Now, despite the plan’s popularity, a right-wing backlash takes the case to a conservative Supreme Court next year, where the plan is unlikely to survive.

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How e-commerce founders can get non-equity capital funding

How e-commerce founders can get non-equity capital funding

When you’re poised to scale, but short on cash, there are few options:

  1. Sell assets.
  2. Sign for a high-interest loan.
  3. Give up equity in your business.

None of these options are particularly appealing to cash-strapped founders, especially when they feel backed into a corner by investors hungry for a piece of their pie. But before you cave to debt financing and equity deals, there’s another option: non-equity capital.

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The VVK People’s Credit

The car needs to be repaired, the TV set is not working and new furniture is also long overdue. But where to get all the money? Sometimes everything comes together – almost always when you don't need it. Many people come in this context in financial difficulties and do not know further.

But the solution is only a few clicks away: The VVK Volkskredit!

Already from a credit sum of 3.000 EUR the VVK Volkskredit is disbursed, and that quite simply and uncomplicatedly. Of course, the credit application is free of charge and without obligation, if the information is correct and in accordance with the contract, there is an immediate online confirmation of the payment of the loan.

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