Can you have multiple credit cards with one bank?

Can you have multiple credit cards with one bank?

Applying for several credit cards at one bank is generally not a problem. However, you should keep an eye on the conditions and your credit rating. Alternative providers can also be interesting.

Theoretically, you can use an infinite number of cards

The question of whether you can even have multiple credit cards with one bank is related to a misperception. Most people believe, because of the name "credit card", that they are in fact taking out a loan when they pay with the plastic card. More cards would mean so more loans. In fact, this assumption is not entirely wrong. After all, it is only your bank that pays in advance for you when you pay with the card.

Ultimately, however, the money will be debited from your account. For this you will receive the credit card statement. The plastic square is thus no more than a means of payment with which you can access your own account. To exaggerate, it is comparable to the ATM: you can also go to that as often as you want and stock up on fresh cash.

Theoretically, you can use an unlimited number of credit cards from one bank – those may even belong to the identical account.

Multiple credit cards? You must meet these requirements

Credit cards must always be linked to current or credit card accounts, through which the accruing bills can be settled. If you want to have several credit cards with a bank, you must accordingly at least one account with the financial house lead.

People who are interested in having more than one card, for example to separate business and personal expenses, should consider opening several accounts at once. This is how the separation is fully completed.

Basically, your credit rating (ability to repay a loan) must be right for you to be allowed to have more than one credit card (and also more than one account) with a bank. This means the bank requires proof of regular cash receipts. In addition, your expenses must not be too high. You should be allowed to pay credit card bills without any problems.

Creditworthiness as a potential problem

Basically, you will get several credit cards (from one or even from different financial institutions) only if your score at Schutzgemeinschaft fur allgemeine Kreditsicherung (Schufa) is sufficient. A practical problem can arise here. Your score may suffer from each additional credit card you apply for. Put simply, even if you got the first card without any trouble, you might have problems with the second or third card because of Schufa.

Check what your Schufa score is before applying for credit cards via the self-disclosure option. For multiple cards, your scoring should be at least 90% – at least 95% would be better.

It is also not unlikely that the bank will impose some conditions when you apply for a second or even third credit card with them. This is especially true if the cards are linked to only one account. This is how the financial institution could require payment limits. These can be set either daily or monthly. For example, you may spend only 1000 euros per card per day.

If the bank sets such a condition, insist on a monthly payment limit, because it will be easier for you to keep track of it that way. A logical limit is the amount of money received in your account each month. As a rule, you may choose how to divide the limit among the cards. For example, you can distribute it evenly. However, if your child needs a credit card (for emergencies, etc.), you can use it.) receives, you can also, for example, this card with a much lower limit.

Apply for second and third cards with other providers

It doesn't always make sense to take out all your credit cards with one bank. Some direct banks do not report cards to Schufa. If you have problems with your score, you should apply for the second or third card with an alternative provider.