Current account in Austria: The online salary account

Current account in Austria: The online salary account - Our big guide

The checking account is the hub for daily payment transactions: bills, rent, wage income – all movements go through the checking account. If it is still usual in Austria to have the account with the house bank, change in Germany ever more citizens with their current account to the direct bank. Especially because direct banks offer their customers free current accounts – including ATM cards and online transfers.

One in three Austrians is annoyed by excessively high salary account fees!

Current account in Austria: The online salary account - Our big guide

High overdraft interest rates often mean an unpleasant surprise on the account statement.

But how does it look in Austria with regard to the free current account? Have you also been annoyed because of too high bank fees? According to a survey by the Austrian Chamber of Labor, one in three Austrians is annoyed by excessively expensive transfer fees and account management charges. Above all, the high ATM and payment slip fees, the charges for foreign transfers and for transactions at the bank counter are in the criticism. Unfavorable credit and debit interest rates are no longer available to customers – saving should pay off again. The Kleine Zeitung reports on high overdraft interest rates: http://www.small

Rethinking also in Austria

Slowly, Austrian credit institutions are beginning to realize that they need to become more customer-friendly and that current accounts should be offered at a lower cost. The domestic banks recognize this not least by the success of German banks, for example the DKB, which offers free current accounts in Austria. In addition we can recommend to you to inform also about the conditions of the German banks. You can find an overview of the conditions at:

Especially the young direct banks are competing with the established branch banks with their often non-transparent fee policy and actually offer all-around free salary accounts. If you have often been annoyed by your overpriced current account in the past, you now have a good chance of finding a cheaper account. In this country, too, banks now offer fee-free accounts in isolated cases, especially direct banks. Most free accounts, however, are linked to conditions such as a monthly salary or pension receipt.

Lean cost structure of direct banks

The fee-free accounts are also possible because direct banks operate on an extremely reduced scale: The communication with the customer runs over the Internet, there are hardly or no branches. The lean organization enables direct banks to pass on cost advantages to customers in the form of free accounts, attractively priced overnight deposit accounts or loans with lower interest rates. Direct banks, which in Austria are often subsidiaries of well-known major banks, are subject to the same regulatory conditions as universal or. Branch banks and must have the same equity ratio. In the event of insolvency, direct bank customers are of course also covered for up to 100.000 € per customer secured.

Guidebook "Current Account in Austria

Current account in Austria: The online salary account - Our big guide

Pay attention to the credit interest on your salary account – but the debit interest is more important!

Our guide takes a close look at various free salary accounts in Austria and shows whether the accounts also promise what they deliver. In fact, there are currently three to four providers in Austria that offer a completely free account, provided there is a regular incoming salary or pension income. In addition to individual bookings, standing orders, ATM and in some cases credit cards are also free of charge. So if you do your banking mainly on the Internet and have a regular income, you have a good chance of finding the right checking account.

Update: For more information on free checking accounts, visit: account/

Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement at many banks: Customers would like to see more clarity on interest rates and charges for checking accounts, the possibility to compare prices, free Internet banking as standard, no additional ATM fees (especially because customers have been encouraged for years to withdraw cash at ATM counters rather than at branches), comprehensible information on SEPA, IBAN and BIC, and a product and charge information sheet for checking accounts so that customers can compare the various products more easily and clearly.

How expensive is a salary account in Austria on average??

At the end of 2013, the Austrian Chamber of Labor conducted a test on the average cost of a checking account in Austria. Result: The current account costs 71 euros per year for an average user (240 bookings were assumed). The AK checked about 40 salary accounts at 20 Viennese banks. As expected, the minus interest rates are very high, while the credit interest rates are only just above zero. Also therefore the chamber of labor advises to pay attention exactly to the expensive additional expenses
The difference between the fees is enormous: the twelve tested accounts with individual clearing cost between 47 and 157.00 euros (Bank fur Tirol und Vorarlberg), accounts with flat-rate clearing cost between zero euros and 175 euros (UniCredit Bank Austria).

What free or very low-cost checking accounts are available in Austria?

The Easybank salary account: "Easy Gratis"

The checking account of easybank is on the best way to become the most popular checking account in Austria. The direct bank, a subsidiary of BAWAG P.S.K., offers an all-round recommendable product for all those who are willing to do without the branch around the corner. Incidentally, easybank customers can deposit money in BAWAG P.S.K. Branches and post offices.

The account at a glance

The following services are included in the easygratis package and are completely free of charge:

  • account management
  • All booking items
  • Creation/execution/modification of standing orders
  • ATM card and cash withdrawals
  • ATM within EU
  • Own deposit
  • Use of Internet banking
  • Credit card

Services such as a second Easy-Bankomat or credit card are subject to a fee. Also subject to charges are:

  • Commercial spot transactions outside the euro area
  • Cash withdrawal with the ATM card outside the euro area (1,82 € + 0,75 % of the withdrawal amount)
  • cash withdrawal with the credit card (3,0 % and at least. 3,63 €)
  • Cash withdrawals in the BAWAG P.S.K. branches and post offices (€1.52), check forms (€0.23 each)
  • the sending of the account statement by mail (0,50 € + postage)

Investigation orders cost €10.00 if the transfer was made no more than six months ago, otherwise they cost €20.00.

Conditions for the Easy Free Salary Account: The account is not subject to any other conditions, such as a minimum turnover or the use of other banking products. The condition for opening the account is, however, that a regular receipt of salary can be proven (payslip). An alternative is the Easy account, which is also free of charge if on average at least 2.500 Euro on the account – here no proof of salary has to be presented. The Easy free account has already been named AK test winner several times.

Other Easy accounts: The other products easy gratis pension, easy konto, easy student, easy lehrling and easy schuler are also recommended.

Conclusion: "Easy free salary account" is an all-round recommendable and completely free current account. Not only all postings, standing orders, etc. are free of charge, but also withdrawals at ATM counters within the entire euro area and a credit card. As easy Bank is an offshoot of BAWAG P.S.K. is, cash can be deposited at all BAWAG and post office branches.

Free current account of (now Hello Bank)

Investment advice, business-to-business solutions and online brokerage are the main focus of, a subsidiary of UniCredit AG. However, the bank also offers classic banking products such as z.B. a free checking account.

The account at a glance

The following services are included in the free online current account:

  • Account management including all booking items
  • Standing orders and collection orders, incl. Changes u. Closures
  • ATM card for 1. Account holder
  • Cash withdrawals throughout the euro area
  • Classic credit card for 1. Account holder
  • Online and mobile banking
  • Cash deposits in direct branches
  • Three original written transfers per quarter
  • Cash deposits
  • Three cash withdrawals per quarter

The following services are subject to a fee:

  • ATM card or. Credit card for 2. account holder (11,90 €)
  • Cash withdrawals with ATM card outside the euro zone (€1.82 + 0.75% of the withdrawal amount)
  • Cash withdrawals by credit card (3% of the withdrawal amount)
  • Commercial cash transactions with ATM card outside the euro area (1.09 % + 0.75 of the withdrawal amount)
  • Inquiries cost € 10.00.

Conditions: The condition for the free current account is a regular salary or. Retirement income.
Those who do not make any withdrawals pay €2.90 per month in account maintenance fees, €11.90 for the ATM card and €20.50 for the credit card. If no salary is received for a period of three months, the account will be transferred to the fee-based online current account (s.o.) converted. Self-employed persons can also open a free salary account, with a minimum of one payment per quarter.

Conclusion: A great free online current account, which can also be used by the self-employed. Because of the many brokerage options, the account is especially suitable for those who also want to trade or. wish to trade securities via home banking.

online salary account from

The online current account of, the Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberosterreich, can, provided it is linked to another savings product of can be used free of charge. Of course, this account is ideal for all those who live in Upper Austria, but by remote opening the account is accessible throughout Austria.

The account at a glance

The following services are included:

  • Account management
  • SEPA transfers
  • Standing orders (incl. Change u. closure)
  • Maestro bank card
  • ATM cash withdrawals in the euro area
  • Classic credit card (MasterCard or VISA)
  • Overdraft facilities

The following services are subject to a fee:

  • Direct debit non-execution due to lack of funds (5,50 €)
  • 2. ATM card (€12.36)
  • cash withdrawal at ATMs outside the EEA area (€1.82 + 0.75% of the withdrawn amount)
  • MasterCard Gold with insurance coverage (41,32 €)

Conditions: Condition for the free current account is the combination of the account with another savings product of, for example a savings or securities investment account. In addition, a monthly salary receipt of at least 1.500 euros provided. Private individuals residing within the euro zone and Switzerland must submit a Schufa report or a credit assessment. Present the appropriate documents. If the salary or. Pension income from, 6,63 € per month will be charged.
Customers receive the ATM card with overdraft facility only after a credit check; an overdraft facility is introduced after the first salary receipt.
As a direct bank, no counter, cash can be withdrawn via ATM card, endowments via bank transfer.

Conclusion: Another current account that is completely free of charge. In contrast to the Easy free salary account and the direct investment Bank, however, a minimum salary of 1.500 euros required – and the opening of another savings or securities investment account of the same bank. If you meet these conditions, you will find the following advantages in the bankdirekt current the Oberosterreichische Raiffeisenlandesbank, however, a solid and extremely favorable or. free account for daily payment transactions.

Current account of Hypo Tirol Bank AG

The three current accounts described above are currently the only three completely free current accounts in Austria. However, Hypo Tirol AG also offers very good conditions with its welcome account for new customers – the costs amount to about € 19.00 per year, so are about € 1.60 per month. Hypo Tirol Bank is of course ideal for those who live in Tyrol. In addition to the six branches in Innsbruck and various branches in Tyrol, the bank also has a branch in Vienna and in South Tyrol (Bolzano).

The account at a glance

The following services are included

  • Free ATM card
  • Free withdrawals in the euro zone
  • Free Gold MasterCard credit card with triple insurance cover
  • electronic account statements
  • electronic standing orders (also change or. closing)
  • Online banking
  • Booking lines
  • Automated credit and debit entries
  • Cash deposits to your own account
  • iStar – the online savings account

The following services are subject to a fee:

  • Direct debit non-execution due to lack of funds (5,13€)
  • Cash deposit on non-bank account (3,57 €)
  • Cash deposit on Hypo third-party account (1,10 €)
  • Cash withdrawal in branch (0,55 €)
  • Documentary transfers (0,55 €)
  • Account statement on paper (0,20 €)

Conditions: The free current account is aimed exclusively at new customers – so the account management is only in the 1. year free of charge. After that, account management costs either € 2.55 (advantage package Classic) or € 4.95 (advantage package) per month.

Conclusion: The Hypo-Tirol Bank AG offers with the welcome package a favorable and/or. free current account – but only limited to one year. The advantage packages with costs between 2,55 and 4,95 € per month (incl. Maestro Gold credit card with insurance coverage) are still quite favorable in an Austrian comparison. The credit interest is fixed at 0.10 % p.a. but very low.

Sparda Bank free salary account

Sparda Bank also offers a current account free of charge, but some extras that are free of charge at the above-mentioned banks are subject to a fee at the Sparda account, e.g.B. the ATM and credit card. Sparda Bank has branches in Linz and Villach, so the account is ideal for anyone living in Upper Austria or Carinthia. Sparda-Bank customers are only self-employed persons, i.e. blue- and white-collar workers, but not entrepreneurs.

The account at a glance

The following services are included:

  • Postings via Home Banking
  • electronic account statement
  • Standing orders for the european. Payment area incl. Closing, implementation, change
  • Domestic check deposit
  • Cash withdrawal at the counter

The following services are subject to charges:

  • Cash deposits to accounts at other banks (4.50 €)
  • ATM card (27,00 € per year)
  • Credit card
  • Reminder (10,00 €)
  • Confirmation of standing orders (10,00 €)
  • Non-execution of collections due to insufficient funds in the account (7,00 €)
  • Standing orders to non-EU countries (=0.375% commission, minimum €3.63 plus €5.81 for execution)

Conditions: To open a salary account with Sparda Bank, customers must be dependent employees. In addition, they must not have any negative entries with the credit protection association, must not be over-indebted and must show the turnover of the last month when switching from another bank to the Sparda-Bank.

Conclusion: The Sparda account is ideal for all those who live in Upper Austria or Carinthia and work as a dependent employee. All electronic bookings and standing orders are free of charge, only the ATM and credit card have to be paid for.

Better to have an individual clearing account or a lump-sum account?

Current account in Austria: The online salary account - Our big guide

It is not possible to overview all conditions – various comparisons help with the selection

The account maintenance fee of smaller packages usually includes automated bookings, internet banking, account statements via account statement printer and an ATM card. More expensive packages also include standing order changes, voucher-based bookings and credit cards with and without insurance coverage.
Where can I get the highest credit balances – and the lowest overdraft interest rates??

Interest on credit balances is currently between 0.125 and 1.50 %, depending on the provider. However, if you slip into the red, you have to pay a multiple of what the bank offers: Overdraft interest rates of between 7% and 13% are common, and anyone who exceeds the agreed account limit also pays up to 5% in penalty interest. According to AK-Test, the customer then pays 12.25% overdraft interest in the most favorable case, and over 18.00% in the most expensive. Unbelievable, but true! If you often slip into the red, you should take a close look at the overdraft interest rates: Anything over 8% is usurious, and there should ideally be no penalty interest.

By the way, since May 2010, according to a new EU consumer credit directive, banks are obliged to communicate the debit interest regularly on the account statement. According to the Chamber of Labor, interest on credit balances should also be indicated.

These banks currently offer "humane" overdraft interest rates:

(14.3.2014) , compared to other providers

BankOverdraft interestInformation 7,250% The free account of is also ahead in terms of debit interest: it is 7.250% p.a. The overdraft interest (if the agreed limit is exceeded) is 5.00% p.a. The credit interest rate is 0.125% p.a. however quite meager.
Easybank 9,00% Easybank also resists the interest rate madness: with 9.00% p.a. the overdraft interest rates for Easybank customers are comparatively low. Credit interest amounts to 0.250.
Hypo Upper Austria 9,00% With 9,00 % p.a. at overdraft interest also the customers of the Hypo Upper Austria come still favorably away. However, the account, which is available for 30 euros a year, is reserved for young professionals.
Sparda Bank 11,75% The credit interest rate for the standard account is 0.050% and the debit interest rate is 11.75%. For exceeding the credit limit an additional 3,00 % will be charged.

[box style="note"]Tip: Talk to the bank advisor about interest rates. Often overdraft interest rates are also a matter of negotiation.[/box]

Free current account management

Current account in Austria: The online salary account - Our big guide

Abroad, the withdrawal of money at the ATM is often subject to charges

Most Austrians would like to have free account management. This wish becomes reality above all with direct banks, which do not offer to their customers neither for electronic bookings nor for standing orders (and their change and/or. Closing) Calculate fees. Make sure that all transactions are included – and that there are no extra costs for a transfer to another EU country.

Consider terms and conditions

One offers the free account only to employees, the other credit institution sets a minimum monthly deposit of 1.500 € in advance – pay close attention to the conditions under which the account is and remains free of charge.

When should I change my account – and what do I have to pay attention to when changing accounts??

If you are an average account user (approx. 240 movements per year) pays over 60 euros for his current account, should think about a change. In particular, those who do most of their account activity through home banking and withdraw cash through ATMs get off much more cheaply with direct banks in Austria. Those who want to keep going to the teller and want personal advice should stick with a branch bank.

Pay attention to the following points when you have decided to change your account:

  • Take time for a detailed current account comparison (charges, credit interest, ATM fees, etc.).).
  • You can calmly negotiate about interest rates.
  • Ask if your new credit union will notify the companies moving in (phone company, landlord, etc.) informed about the new bank account.
  • Find out how long you have to wait for the new ATM/credit card.
  • Make transfers via IBAN – it's faster and costs less (if you have an individual clearing account).
  • Read carefully all the changes in the conditions. If the disadvantages are serious, object to the changes.
  • You are satisfied with your account? Question nevertheless now and then your account package and inquire evtl. also with your credit institute, whether there is a better offer in the meantime.

The best tips for the current account

The Austrian Chamber of Labor regularly examines current account offers in Austria, selects test winners and gives tips and hints for choosing the right account. The most important advice – in a nutshell:

  • Check carefully which free bookings are included in the lump sum account.
  • If you change standing orders in the branch, you pay up to €3.20 for this. Via internet banking this is mostly free of charge.
  • Make sure your account is always funded. If collection orders cannot be carried out, this costs up to ten euros.
  • If you are deep in the red, it is better to convert to a personal loan. This is usually cheaper.
  • For unit price allocations, fewer transactions mean fewer charges. Combine monthly payments into annual payments, z.B. Insurance.
  • Check movements via your bank statements or home banking and complain about the errors immediately. Appeals must be made in writing and within six weeks.