Debt study: where to take loans for education?

Debt study: where to take loans for education?

Term: during training the borrower pays interest with minimal monthly amounts (100-150 rubles), the loan amount must be paid within 10 years after graduation.

Loan amount: equal to the cost of learning.

Security: not required.

Banks: the program is implemented in the "Union" and Sberbank banks.

In Russia you can get an educational loan under the program of state subsidy, which works in Sberbank and Union Bank. Under this program, the state is paid for students who have decided to take money in debt, three quarters from the usual interest rate pensions, and in addition to the cost of training is required to pay 5% per year.

Credit to the program of the state subsidy can be taken at preferential conditions, except for the passport and the desire to learn, nothing is needed. To save banks from the risk of non-payment, the state insures all educational loans taken out. However, you can take a loan only at certain universities and only from some specialties. This list was expanded in August last year, In addition, the loan conditions were reduced: Now borrowers can be caught up by three. This step was decided due to the low popularity of the program among students. A total of 552 educational loans were issued during the existence of the program since 2009. Primarily on the turnover of HSE-242 credits, at the second Moscow State University (128 loans) and at third is the credit of SPBSU – 71.

Andrei Kulikov.

Head of Sberbank, responsible for working with the segment of youth and consumer lending

"The interest rate in educational loans is significantly lower than that of consumers, and the amounts paid by the customer during training is quite low – about 100-150 rubles per month. That is, you really learn and do not work to pay a loan. And for us this is also plus – Let the payments are purely symbolic, but even these symbolic amounts are noticeably disciplined by the borrower. Agree, if you pay something for the first five years, it's likely to start paying after such a long period of time is pretty difficult. Yes, and most importantly, you can hardly find many banks that offer 18-year loans. "

Standard education loan program

Interest rate: from 11.5% to 19% per year.

Term: from 7 to 11 years.

Loan amount: up to 90% of the total cost of training.

Security: guarantee for individuals, deposit.

Banks: Sberbank, AK Bars, Baltic Bank, Bank "KEDR", Bank "Education" and others.

In Sberbank there is a standard educational loan program. Here are the conditions free of charge: you can study at any university registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. The loan amount depends on the borrower's financial capabilities and should not exceed 90 percent of the total amount. To obtain a standard credit, you need to issue property or layout or seek guarantors. The rate on such a program is 12% per year. Such credit programs also exist in other banks, for example, in the bank interest rate "education" below 11.5% per year.

Most Russian banks offer to pay for education through the usual consumer loan. In BSGV can be such a loan for a period of 3 to 60 months under 18.40-21.40% to be taken per year. Under these conditions, the borrower is deprived of both essential benefits: a small number of payments while in college and the possibility of a delay in taking an academic leave or finding a job after graduation.

Ivan Lebedev.

Head of the Department of Retail Business Bank VTB-24

"The volume of educational loans issued by all market participants, several thousand loans, are annually. The same western market has been developing for more than half a century and is measured at tens of billions of dollars. Of course, such proposals appear as the emergence of a reasonable mass demand. The development of this market is definitely closely related to the reform of higher education, and its current model does not mean the possibility of mass demand for educational loans.

In VTB-24 there is currently a mass program of providing educational loans. However, a recent joint project with Skolkovo was designed to finance learning for MBA and EME programs. These are fairly expensive programs, and the bank makes it easier for its potential consumers to obtain quality stars. The project has already started, currently we are receiving the first attraction of customers interested in credit conditions. "

Credit programs abroad.

Most often to study abroad, a loan is taken in the bank with which the university has entered into partnerships – in most cases, the loan programs for foreigners and for ordinary students are the same.


In Norway for foreign students is in operation a program, according to which local universities and colleges accept students from Eastern Europe and Asia to study. About 1.100 students from different countries receive a quota for training every year. The program includes training at both the bachelor's and master's levels, as well as some types of specialized learning. To participate in this program, you must have at least two years of higher education. It should be taken into account that the bachelor lectures are held mainly in Norwegian and in master programs – in English.

Maria Celikova.

Student of the High School of Northern Trondega, quota student under the program Norwegian State Education Loan Fund

"I am studying in Norway under the student contingent program. To obtain such a loan, something special is not required: Mostly universities and colleges are active in the program rate. Usually take students from educational institutions with which the exchange agreements are concluded.

After the student gets a training place, he receives money from the Staatscass. This amount includes loans and scholarship itself – and it is about 30-40% of the sum. If a student contingent after learning in Norway (or another not a home country) will live, he is obliged to repay a loan. The loan is 89.000 crowns per year (11.400 Euro), i.e. almost 270.000 Kroons (34.500 euros) for three years.

When carrying out checks, about 30% of the loan enters the scholarship. Therefore, after closing it remains about 190.000 credit crowns (24.400 euros). However, when the student returns home, the loan will be written off at. By the way, for the Norwegians the conditions are absolutely the same: they receive a loan and a scholarship, and at the end of the training it returns a loan to the state. The only difference in the title is Norwegians are common, not the student rate. As far as I know, similar programs are in Sweden and Denmark. "


In Germany, there is a government subsidy program for obtaining education called BAFoG. Since education is formally free almost everywhere in the country, then the money received under the program is spent on semester tuition payments, expenses, housing and food for the students. Since September 2008 German students pay 643 euros per month. It is not necessary to return debts after graduation, but only five years after receiving a diploma and not completely, but only half of the amount. To participate in this program, it is necessary to prove a low family income. In the first two years of participation in the program – and accordingly, learning – the quality of education is not important, but it is important to provide good performance of the program to continue to meet the requirements of the program. According to statistics, every fourth German student receives such a scholarship.


The Canadian government also provides its citizens for favorable terms of schooling. Under the social program for full-time students receiving their first college education, loans are interest-free for up to 6.5 years.

United States of America

In the U.S., there are three main types of education loans: Student loan, Parent loan and Private loan. Loans for students do not require guarantee authority and real estate collateral, the interest rate is rather low. To participate in the government program, it is necessary to prove that without financial support from the state can not do this. The interest rate is calculated annually (usually exceeds 8.25%), and all institutions forgive loans that adhere to a single interest rate. The limits exist on student loans: For example, for the first year of study, you can borrow about 2.000 to 3000 US dollars last. There are no such restrictions of the program of parent loans: one loan can simultaneously pay the entire amount of learning. Payments to the loan begin two months after receipt, the interest rate is up to 9%. Private loans are designed for a loan of the missing amount to pay for education if the main loan is not enough.

Sergey Milovsky.

Head of Sberbank, responsible for working with the segment of youth and consumer lending

"In Russia, interest rates are higher in all loan segments, not only in the education loan segment. The rate is higher for several reasons – and this is the case of economy. Nevertheless, it is much lower on education loans than in consumer.

The interest rate for government subsidies – 5% per year is quite a professional level with the situation abroad. Such programs in Russia are weakly developed, the state is practically supported and in experimentation. This is due to the fact that currently there are many budget locations. If you look at dry figures, then learn in Russia about 5% of students, no more. In Germany, this number has grown up to 30%, which is also a pretty low indicator for the Western market. The reason is a large number of budget places and the fact that even cheap education in Russia is much cheaper than abroad. The demographic pit also played its role – now the number of people entering universities is much less than five to seven years ago. After some time, the number of people will increase, education prices will grow and education loans will begin to enjoy greater popularity. In the following reason lies the case, if not in financial literacy, then in the awareness of people. "

Maxim Gorokhov.

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism MSU MV M.V. Lomonosov, PR manager of the company Blade, took a loan for the first education in Moskowsu

"I am from a very simple and incomplete family where there has never been anyone with higher education, so it was obvious that money is not enough to pay for their studies and live. At the faculty of journalism of budget places was enough, but I have no sinking points, and there was no time to think – the army was ahead. Since childhood I prepared myself to become the best possible, so another university was not considered.

I participated in the recommended MSU program "Credo" in the recommended MSU program "Credo" in the "Union" bank and remained absolutely dissatisfied. I was not fully familiar with the terms of this loan program, and I have my 18 not much understood, as I have not come across banks or serious money. In fact, I had a bet of 10% per year and eventually drive 86% of the loan amount. Bank employees did not come with me, the bank lends money to employees of the company "Credo", which provides student lending services. Those, again, told me that the interest begins only after graduation, and they flew from the first day. So I received a surprise with a diploma. After graduating from university, I entered adult life with a debt of 25.000 US dollars collected by a debt bank and an interest for three years than the two I paid myself. This is despite the fact that the year was 139.000 rubles was worth. Think about whether I can be satisfied with this program.

I don't expect to quickly switch back the money spent on education, but I really want to put that and the maximum effort in. The worst thing to do as a loan, debt yarm, and face difficulty. My education so far allows me to find a job that allows you to create a minimum loan payment and live. Although you speak directly, then I have the work – earnings is not education, but the work experience gained.

Of course I got a number of skills during the training, but most of the knowledge was acquired the lion at work, but not in university walls. Work in the specialty provided me with education, but there is no link between the presence of a diploma and income level. If I worked all the time spent studying and meeting, I would have a higher paying job now. Still, I have no regrets about how and how I got an education or a loan. "