Financing your education

School education usually costs money. In addition, living expenses must also be paid. After all, rent, food and clothing are not free. In this article, we explain how you can get a school education despite school fees.

School education usually costs money. But many people do not know that you do not have to pay this money out of your own pocket. We reveal all the options for financing a private education.

  • It's all a rip-off?
  • Housing allowance
  • Alternative: Student BAfoG
  • Retraining
  • Support for gifted students
  • Child support
  • Education loans
  • Tax savings
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses?
  • Conclusion

All just a rip-off? Why do school-based training programs cost money at all??

In the usual dual training, apprentices receive an appropriate training allowance from their training company. Why do graduates of a school education usually have to dig into their own pockets instead?? Is this just pure rip-off?

Schools do not generate income in the free economy

In fact, schools have no choice but to charge tuition fees. Because of course they have costs that need to be covered: Staff, maintenance, field trips and the like want to be paid for. However, unlike a teaching company, schools do not generate revenue through products or services to cover these costs. The government subsidizes private schools, but on average this is only enough for about a third of the expenses.

The schools cover the rest through monthly fees. These remain on you as an apprentice, or. hang on your family.

The following options will help you make a school education affordable:

Financing your education

Housing subsidy

Housing allowance is available to every trainee who is of age, lives in his or her own apartment and can present a notice of rejection for vocational training allowance (since vocational training allowance is not granted for school-based training, this will be the case).

The amount of the housing allowance is decided in individual cases, but usually covers most of the current costs for rent and living expenses. Find out on the Internet who is responsible in your city for deciding on a housing subsidy application.

Alternative: Student BAfoG

If you are not yet in your 30s. If you are at least two years old, have completed at least two years of education, and have not previously pursued an education, you are eligible for Schuler BAfoG. The amount of the subsidy depends on the income of the parents. In addition, BAfoG must be paid in agreed installments up to a total of 10.000 € to be paid back.

The jurisdiction depends on the place of residence of the parents. If the parents have different places of residence, the place of residence of the trainee is decisive.


A retraining usually comes into play when a graduate of an apprenticeship has to take up a new apprenticeship for necessary reasons. An accident, migration, no chance of a job or illness can be such reasons. How much funding is available for retraining and whether it is approved is always a case-by-case decision. The employment agency in your town will certainly be happy to tell you more about it.

You can find more information here: What is a retraining? Link to work ABC

Financing your education

Scholarships for gifted students

With appropriate grades or other outstanding achievements you have the possibility to think about a scholarship. The amount of a scholarship as well as the requirements for approval vary depending on the scholarship. Get answers to your questions directly from the training provider of your choice.

Child benefit

Who does not yet have the 25. If a child has reached the age of 18, he or she is entitled to child allowance during school education. The appropriate application can be made by parents or guardians at the Family Fund of the Federal Employment Agency.

More information can be found here: Child Benefit Guide Link to Child

Educational loans

Contrary to popular belief, education loans are not just for students to choose from. Graduates of a school education can also take advantage of appropriate credits regardless of BAfoG or parents.

Tax savings

A not insignificant part of the school fees and costs for teaching materials can be claimed against tax. Parents receive tax savings here if they receive child benefits.

Even the trainee himself can deduct school expenses on his taxes that he can prove he paid for himself.

Reimbursement of travel expenses

Regulations for travel reimbursement are not consistent in every state.

Most of the time, however, the cost of getting directly to and from school can be at least partially reimbursed. However, reimbursements are not always provided for every means of transportation.


You can see it for yourself: The possibilities to receive financial support during a school education are more extensive than most assume.

Don't let the hassle of pushing through a grant stop you – it's your dream job, after all.

And unfortunately nothing is free in this world. Not even donated money!