Grandson trick at the front door

You can't remember the grandson, work colleague, acquaintance, etc. remember?

The dear "grandson", other relatives or old work colleagues can ambush you on the street, but also at the door of your apartment. Sometimes they say: We were in the hospital together, your deceased husband knew my father, etc. .You cannot remember him at the moment, but you doubt yourself and think your memory is failing you.

Beware of people who claim, "I know you from the hospital, former job, through your late father, etc.

The police advise older people in particular not to be too careless with alleged distant acquaintances and not to blithely give out their name and address. Quickly the "acquaintance" stands then before your front door.

The alleged acquaintances have a nice conversation with you and hope for an invitation to your apartment or they suddenly stand in front of your apartment door with some kind of request.

If you do not remember this "acquaintance", do not let the person into your apartment.

The alleged relative or acquaintance may also ask to deposit money temporarily, of course, where your valuables are also located. Using clever distraction tricks, he then steals your savings.

Special care should be taken when the so-called. The acquaintance gives a confidential tip and advises you to get the money from the bank immediately because of taxes, financial crisis.

The victim is being watched. To get the unsettled victim's attention, the "tax office" or bank" calls, recommending immediate withdrawal of money. Immediately after returning from the bank, a workman appears who has to go to the apartment immediately because of urgent works . The scammer has reached his goal and steals the cash that has just been withdrawn.

Instead of shock call personal shock message

You are approached on the street by a stranger. The stranger is supposedly an acquaintance of a close relative. The close relative is in hospital due to a car accident and urgently needs cash to settle the claim. Do not pay, contact the allegedly ill relative!

The leather jacket trick

Affected are mostly older men.

Fraud with low-quality leather jackets can be attributed to organized crime. Read more

The Mario, or whatever he calls himself, will describe his financial plight to you as a "former work colleague. For whatever reason, he urgently needs money, so from 500 euros upwards, z.B. for an airline ticket. At the latest at this moment vigilance is appropriate.

Of course, he does not want the money as a gift, in return he offers z.B.You are supposedly wearing high-quality leather clothing, which later turns out to be cheap junk.

Go on, note the license plate number and notify the police, preferably by cell phone. You can also call the police by dialing the emergency number 110, in such a case it is not a misuse of the emergency number.

Emergency calls are free of charge. You can reach 110 from any pay phone without coins and from any card phone without card.

From July 2009, emergency calls can only be made with a cell phone if the SIM card is inserted. The emergency call is possible even without credit. The obligation to insert a SIM card is stipulated by the emergency call regulation of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

Relative asks to keep money

Beware when alleged relatives stand in front of the door and ask to z.B. for a vacation to keep their money safe. Of course it is safest with your own savings. Once he knows your money stash he often steals your savings even unnoticed by the victim. Storing money