Loan for moving – pay off new home in installments

Loan for moving - pay off new home in installments

Whether it's for your first home, an addition to your family, a change of job, or simply because you need more space, everyone has to move sooner or later. For anyone who owns more than just a pillow and a toothbrush, moving also always involves significant costs.

In this article you will learn how you can finance your move with the help of a loan, what you should look out for and how you can find the perfect loan for your move.

Which costs come with a removal on me?

In addition to a lot of stress, a move also always means a large financial outlay. It is often not done with the sole transport of the furniture. Additional costs may arise, for example, due to:

  • The deposit due for the new apartment.
  • Costs for the broker.
  • Possibly needed new furniture or a new kitchen.
  • The cost of moving helpers.
  • Rent and fuel for the moving van.

In total, this can quickly add up to a sum of well over a thousand euros. For most of the people who are moving the monthly budget and also the amount of savings is exceeded.

How can I finance a move

If your own financial means are not sufficient to finance the move, you can take out an installment loan. If the costs for the move are low, one could get the idea of using one's overdraft facility for this purpose. In the rarest of cases, however, this is a good idea. Instead of the overdraft facility, it is therefore more worthwhile to take out an online loan for the move. This offers a much more favorable interest rate and better planning ability due to the fixed monthly installments. With the help of the loan comparison you will find the right loan for your move.

Loan for moving - pay off new home in installments

This is what you should pay attention to when taking out a loan for the move

As with any borrowing, a few points must be considered when taking out a loan for a move. The most important are:

  1. The amount of the loan.
  2. The term of the loan.
  3. The amount of the monthly installments.

The amount of the loan

In order to be able to pay for the move in full with the help of financing, the very first thing you should do is make a list of all the costs that will be incurred. Take into account all items that you cannot pay out of your own pocket. The sum of all the expenses you will have to incur for the move will show you how much your loan will need to be. It is best to plan a small buffer for unforeseen costs. The amount of credit you can get depends on your personal creditworthiness.

The term of the loan

As a general rule, the faster the loan is paid off, the lower the total costs. However, a short term also means that the monthly repayment rate is higher. You should therefore carefully consider which loan term is right for you personally. With a possible unscheduled repayment, you can still shorten the term during the repayment phase. However, when paying off the loan early, you should also consider the cost of any early repayment penalty that may be due.

The amount of the monthly installments

The monthly rate is the decisive criterion, whether you can afford the loan. It results from the interaction of the amount of the loan, the term and the interest rate. You should always choose the monthly installment so that you can repay it at any time. To do this, first make a budget calculation by comparing your regular income, for example your salary, and your regular expenses, for example your rent. The difference results in the freely available budget, which you can theoretically use for the loan installment. In order to be able to afford something in the future and not to get into financial distress in case of unforeseen expenses, this budget should never be completely exhausted. Always plan a financial buffer.

How to get your relocation loan

Once you have determined the amount you need for your loan and the maximum possible monthly payment, you can easily find the best loan for you with our loan comparison. If you have found the best offer for you personally, you can apply for the loan for your move immediately online. As a precaution, you should have the following documents ready:

  • Salary slips of the last three months.
  • Bank statements for the last three months.

With a click on "Next" you come directly to the online application for your desired loan. The credit request is completely free of charge. In the course of the application process, you enter all the relevant data and then have to identify yourself. For this purpose, you can use the video identification procedure or the postal identification procedure. For banks that offer a completely digital loan, the legitimation and also the signature is done directly online. Also the examination of your data takes place purely digitally, with the help of the so-called account view. After approval of your loan application, the loan is usually disbursed within a few bank working days.

Loan for moving - pay off new home in installments

Credit expert tip: If you move for professional reasons, then you can claim the costs incurred in your tax return and thus deduct them from taxes. From 01.03.In 2020, the lump sum for singles is 820 euros and for jointly assessed couples 1640 euros. This means that you can get back part of the costs incurred via a possible reimbursement.

Read more about "flat rate for relocation" at vlh.en

Conclusion about the credit for your move

The costs of a move can quickly exceed your own financial means. In such cases, a loan for relocation is the best solution to get quickly and safely into the new own four walls. With our tips around your relocation loan and our loan comparison, you will find the right loan that can make your move a little less stressful. You can move to your new home with peace of mind and without financial worries.