Loan fund of the Studentenwerk Bremen

Loan fund of the Studentenwerk Bremen

The Studentenwerk Bremen offers students in indebted distress assistance in the form of interest-free loans.

Please see the guidelines below for the details.

Guidelines for the granting of loans from the loan fund of the Studentenwerk Bremen


Loans can only be made to needy, enrolled students at the following universities:

  • University of Bremen
  • University of the Arts Bremen
  • Bremerhaven University
  • Bremen University of Applied Sciences
  • Jacobs University Bremen (bridging loan only)
  • Bremen University of Public Administration (bridging loans only)
  • Apollon Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft GmbH Bremen (bridging loan only)
  • Individual loans: In case of inability to pay due to an emergency situation through no fault of your own, a loan can be paid in the amount of the necessary expenses, but regularly not higher than €550.00 per month, for a maximum of three months.
  • Bridging loan: This is a payment for the period of absence of a benefit due under the BAfoG. The amount of the loan is basically based on the individual entitlement according to § 51 paragraph 2 BAfoG; there can be a monthly increase up to the maximum loan rate of € 550.00. The maximum eligibility period is three months.

The decision to grant a loan is made by the executive director of the Studentenwerk Bremen. It usually refers to a recommendation of the lending committee, which is convened at the invitation of the managing director if necessary.

The awarding committee is made up of one representative from each of the following areas

of the students
the universities
of the Studentenwerk

In cases of emergency that cannot be postponed, the managing director decides and informs the awarding committee in the following meeting. The managing director decides on the granting of a bridging loan due to missing BAfoG benefits without obtaining the recommendation of the awarding committee.


Loans are only for the student's own living expenses and for study expenses (including learning materials, field trip and internship costs). Loans may not be used to repay existing debts, support third parties or pay other expenses not related to studies.

Terms of award

Loans can only be made on a funds-available basis, there is no legal entitlement. Each loan can be used only once.

Students are generally considered needy for individual loans if they

  • do not receive benefits under the BAfoG or comparable benefits from other social benefit agencies, and
  • do not receive or claim any maintenance payments or have to accept responsibility for their non-receipt, and
  • Have no assets that can be used for financing.

In need with regard to the granting of bridging loans are students who are not themselves responsible for the reasons for the delay in payment of benefits under the BAfoG.

How to apply

The loans must be applied for in writing to the Studentenwerk Bremen. For a bridging loan, the following documents must be submitted in person in addition to the application:

  • Written justification of the application with description of own social and financial situation,
  • Current certificate of enrollment (unless you already have the certificate according to § 9 BAfoG),
  • Declaration of assignment.

For an individual loan, the following documents must be submitted in person in addition to the application:

  • Written justification of the application with a description of your own social and financial situation,
  • Provide supporting documents and evidence of the reason for application (z. B. previous student financing, BAfoG rejection notice, rental agreement, housing subsidy application),
  • Identity card or. Passport with confirmation of registration, current certificate of enrollment,
  • Declaration of non-receipt of other social benefits,
  • Bank details of the applicant,
  • Direct debit authorization,
  • directly enforceable guarantee with proof of income of the guarantor or bank guarantee,
  • Designation of two address guarantors who do not have a common address and who are not identical to the guarantor.

If necessary, Student Services may request additional documentation.


To secure the individual loan, a directly enforceable guarantee or a bank guarantee is required in each case for the entire amount of the loan requested plus, if applicable. of accruing interest and fees.

The guarantee must be given in writing, and the guarantor's signature must be certified by a seal-keeping authority. Sealing authorities are in particular notaries, municipal, state and federal authorities.

The guarantor's signature can also be notarized at the student financial aid office. Other signature certifications will not be accepted. Foreign guarantors are only accepted if they have their main residence in Germany.

Eliminated as guarantors:

  • Trainee,
  • Students,
  • Spouses / registered partners of applicants.

In individual cases, the recognition of a guarantor can be made dependent on the monthly net income being proven. The student union has the right to refuse a guarantor.

Repayment, term

To secure the claims, loan agreements are concluded, which contain regulations on the repayment modalities. These lending guidelines are part of the loan agreement.

Individual loans:
Repayment of the loan must begin no later than six months after the disbursement of the last loan installment. The monthly repayments must be at least 75,00€ amount to.

Bridge loan:
The repayment of the entire loan amount is due immediately after the onset of benefits under the BAfoG. Repayment is made by assigning the additional payment in the amount of the loan. If the payment obligation has not been fulfilled due to the assignment (z. B. due to technical errors), the loan will still be due. The student commits to the immediate repayment of the loan amount.

Default interest and reminders

The loans are interest-free. If the borrower defaults on a principal payment because z. B. the direct debit is not honored on the part of the bank, 6% interest on arrears will be charged on the overdue amount for the duration of the arrears p. a. Calculated.

For each reminder and guarantor notification are charged as a fee € 2.50. For the determination of a new address not communicated by the borrower, a fee of 10.00 € is charged.

Direct debit authorization

The borrower must undertake to grant the Studentenwerk Bremen a direct debit authorization to settle its liabilities upon conclusion of the loan agreement. Until the loan and any ancillary claims have been repaid in full, the Student Union must be notified immediately of any change of address and any change of account.

Cancellation of loans

Student services can cancel a loan and, if the student has not yet completed full disbursement, call due the entire balance that remains to be repaid

  • from one of the companies listed in no. 1 named college is de-registered,
  • Dropping out of university,
  • has provided false or incomplete information when submitting an application,
  • Using the loan for other purposes.

The due date for the outstanding balance in each case is the date on which the Studentenwerk Bremen sends a letter of termination.