Santander BestCredit is a proven product with a pause in installments

Santander BestCredit is a proven product with a pause in installments

The German Santander Consumer Bank works as a contractual partner of many car dealerships and as one of the largest financing partners in the automotive industry. For many years, the credit institution has served as a proven and loyal companion for financing issues.

As a subsidiary of the globally active Banco Santander, the company is one of the largest credit institutions in Europe. Santander Consumer Bank has been active in Germany since 1957 and grants consumer loans.

The Santander BestCredit from as little as 1.99% eff. Annual interest rate

Santander BestCredit is a personal loan, which is offered for financing in private households. You can also get Santander car financing for a good interest rate. Accordingly, the offshoot of the Spanish bank offers not only fair consumer loans, but is also agile in the field of car loans.

You get the offer of 1.99% if your credit rating is good. The interest rate is namely dependent on creditworthiness. In principle, you have the possibility of financing amounts between 1.000 Euro and 60.000 Euro to apply. The term is must be between 12 and 96 months. Based on its flexibility, this is an installment loan that is suitable for any situation in life. This is also the advertising promise of Santander Consumer Bank.

Credit as low as 1.99

What you can use the installment loan for?

The BestCredit of the Santander Consumer Bank is not earmarked, so that you may use it for any expenses. Thus you have the possibility a washing machine, a car or a mad vacation trip to finance.

If you want to use the Santander personal loan for a debt restructuring, this is of course also possible. The arguments in favor are the reasonable interest rate and a wide range for the term. If you have a particularly good credit rating, you can get a very favorable interest rate. You have this good credit rating if your income is correspondingly high and your Schufa is free of negative features.

At the end of the day, deciding whether BestCredit is suitable for your debt restructuring or not also depends on how the bank compares. That is why you should make a non-binding credit comparison before applying.

Can you apply for an installment break with the Santander BestCredit?

For the BestCredit of Santander Bank you can apply for an installment break. Similar to the Targobank personal loan, you can officially take a break. It is possible under the following conditions:

  • Your repayment so far has been flawless and there have been no chargebacks
  • No negative Schufa entry, no ongoing debt collection payments
  • Your credit score must still be good

You can apply for the Santander installment break with this application form. You will fill this out, sign it and send it to Santander Consumer Bank:

Santander Consumer Bank Inc
Santander Square 1
D-41061 Monchengladbach

There is a deferment fee of 40 Euro for the deferment.

Increase the credit

Provided that your credit rating remains good, you can increase the Santander BestCredit. For this you have to make an application, so that you can increase the amount. This is especially easy if you have proven to be a faithful paying customer, have not had any late payments to Santander Consumer Bank, and your Schufa still does not have any negative features. Do you have bspw. If you have repaid a large part of the loan, you could increase the loan amount and thus choose a longer term. If your income has increased, even a higher loan installment would be possible. For the increase is important that your household bill shows that you can pay the loan installments.

The credit increase of your BestCredit of the Santander Bank you can apply quite regular it the BestCredit online application. You will be asked for a current Santander personal loan.

Apply for Santander BestCredit?

To apply for Santander BestCredit, you fill out the actual application online here. To do this, you provide information about yourself (name, date of birth, address etc.) and also fill in the fields about profession, employment and income. Afterwards Santander Consumer Bank will check your Schufa. Do not be afraid, it is a neutral request with the feature "request credit conditions".
If everything is correct, you will receive all documents by mail to your address.

These documents are already pre-filled, you only need to sign them and provide the required proofs.

You must send the following documents when applying for a loan:

  • Copy of the last 3 earnings certificates
  • Proofs of additional income, incl. Bank statement
  • PostIdent coupon and copy of identity card
  • A copy of your last 3 bank statements upon request

You identify yourself either by PostIdent in the post office, or with the modern VideoIdent from the comfort of your home.

After you send the documents to Santander Consumer Bank, the bank will check if everything fits and will then transfer the money to your checking account.

Once the loan is approved, the money is credited to your account via real-time transfer. If your specified current account offers instant payment, you can dispose of the loan amount in a few seconds.

As with all loans, there is no 100% guarantee that the loan agreement will be concluded until the end of the process. However, this risk is not unusual.

Apply for the Santander BestCredit without paperwork

If you are in a hurry, you can use the fully digital application process for your Santander BestCredit. If you choose this way, everything will be done quickly and you will not have any paperwork. How to apply for the loan from the sofa.

It works like this:

While you fill out the loan application here, you will be asked to provide relevant evidence. This does not take long, because you only need to scan your proof of earnings and you can upload them during the application process.

If you want to speed up the process even more, then you allow Santander the digital account view. If you want to benefit from the enormous speed, then you have to log into the online banking of your house bank during the application and grant the Santander reading rights. However, your entire account will not be searched, but only keywords such as "salary", "wages" will be recorded. The corresponding amounts are then transferred to the loan application.

With this method, you can quickly check your salary payments and don't need to send in any receipts.

Once all this has been done, you perform the video identification and digitally sign the contract. Now the application is ready and you don't have to print or send in anything else.

The digital account view is ideal if you have your current account with Santander anyway and the bank is informed about your finances anyway. Although banks are obliged to maintain data privacy, you can thus eliminate your last concerns. Because the bank knows your account anyway.

If you apply for the Santander BestCredit and use the Santander 123Giro as a salary account, then you have an advantage: Your monthly installments will be collected from the 123Giro. With this you have achieved one of three direct debits. How to get closer to the Santander Cashback goal…