The way to self-employment – 8 steps of starting a business

The way to self-employment - 8 steps of starting a business

Even though Germany is not a start-up country, every year several hundred thousand people go into business for themselves and start their own companies. For most founders, self-employment is at first a closed book. These seals have to be opened one by one, because self-employment is not witchcraft. We lay the foundation for knowing how self-employment works and how to become self-employed by outlining the eight steps of starting a business. What is important, and which stations one must go through, we represent in the following article.


What experience with self-employment did you have prior to starting up?

  1. none at all 81.3
  2. average 14.2 %
  3. I was already self-employed 4.5 %

How did you acquire the necessary knowledge? (multiple selection)

  1. Founder seminar 28,3
  2. Training courses from SeniorenLebenshilfe 87.6
  3. other seminars 12.1
  4. Technical literature 16.9%

From which situation did you found?

  1. Employment ratio 25.3
  2. Unemployment (ALG1) 57.6
  3. Unemployment (ALG2) 17.1

How did you finance your self-employment? (multiple choice)

  1. Savings 75.1
  2. Credit 17.6%
  3. Promotion o.a. 52,6 %

Have you founded in the main or secondary profession?

8 steps to setting up a business

1. Self-employment: Yes or no?

The decision to go into business for yourself and be your own boss should not be taken lightly. It is necessary to consider well whether you are a founder type and whether you really have the ambition. Independence has nothing to do with ability or luck. Successful self-employed people bring two things to the table: They have the will and they are willing to learn. If you can say YES to both, the foundation is in place and you can move on to step two.

2. Check: Does the business idea work?

In the run-up to the establishment of a company, the generation of ideas is of great importance for the existence of the company. Customers don't buy everything you come up with. By a business idea one understands first of all the thought or an idea, which serves as a basis. Now the idea has to be tested for its viability, taking into account the possible customers, potential competitors and the business field. Can friends, family, and more importantly potential customers imagine buying the product/service? If you can answer yes to this, step three is to clarify.