Top questions students ask about studying abroad

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

Study abroad is often the first experience with long-term travel abroad.Besides all the questions about student life and college-level courses in another country, traveling in general can be intimidating.We're here to help by answering some of the most common questions people ask when deciding whether to study abroad.

Our goal here at Go Overseas is to make meaningful travel as easy as possible for you.We listen carefully to the questions of our community members to provide the most relevant information.If you are considering studying abroad, read on for answers to your questions!

How much does it cost to study abroad?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

The cost of studying abroad depends heavily on which path you take and which destination you choose.The three main routes to study abroad are direct enrollment, exchange and third-party programs.There is no right or wrong choice between these paths, but each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Study Abroad Pathways

Direct enrollment in a university abroad is generally the cheapest option, but requires the most work and independence from the student.Exchange programs have varying costs and are a collaboration between your home university and the host university.This means you will likely owe tuition fees at your home university in addition to program fees while abroad.On the other hand, your student loans can probably be used for these costs as well.Finally, studying abroad through a third-party provider is usually the most expensive option, but the benefits outweigh the additional costs in many cases.

Use the Go Overseas cost comparison tool to compare direct enrollment with third-party fees.

Pro tip: Exchange currency before you leave your home country, and exchange back any remaining currency before you return home to get the best exchange rates.

How to plan your study abroad budget

The actual budget for study abroad depends heavily on your circumstances, including the cost of living in the host city, the type of program, and the length of your trip.Here are some questions to answer before you create your budget:

  • What accommodation options are available?
  • What are the daily transportation requirements?
  • What is the exchange rate?
  • What are your extracurricular destinations abroad?
  • How much you travel outside of the program?
  • Are there any additional expenses that are not covered by your program fees?This may include textbooks, visa fees, health insurance requirements, etc. include.

Once you have a rough estimate of all of the above, you can calculate a budget.Numbeo is a fantastic resource for estimating various expenses, including food and rent, to determine the cost of living based on location.Make sure you choose the right currency to use to create your budget.

It's a good idea to exchange a few hundred U.S. dollars into local currency for emergencies and have access to a few thousand dollars in a bank or credit card (this may even be a requirement for obtaining a student visa). This amount depends on where you choose to study, how long you plan to stay, and how much support you receive while there.

Pro tip: Find a local or student who studied abroad before you and ask what their expenses were like and if they have any advice on budgeting

Additional Reading: The cost of studying abroad

What factors should I consider when choosing a country to study abroad in??

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

Choosing where to study abroad is one of the first decisions you have to make, and with so many great options it can be overwhelming.Answer the following questions to help you make the right decision:

  • What languages do you speak?Feel comfortable living and studying in a non-English speaking country?
  • What is your estimated budget?
  • Is there a particular subject you would like to gain experience in?
  • What are your extracurricular goals abroad?
  • What course level or degree are you currently aiming for?

Matching destinations with answers to these questions will give you a good starting point.Even better, Go Overseas has a search function for study abroad programs that allows users to filter programs based on their goals and circumstances.Using this feature will help inspire your decision by showing thousands of options around the world.

Still can't find a country that stands out?Look at programs like Semester at Sea, where you can study on a boat for an entire semester and make contacts with 10-14 countries on several continents.

In the end, the choice is entirely up to you, and there is no wrong answer.No matter where you choose to study abroad, you will be pushed to be more independent, gain culturally immersive experiences, and broaden your perspective.If you're struggling with the decision, a good place to start is to ask friends and family who have studied abroad what they liked (or didn't like) about their study destination.

Here at Go Overseas, we pay close attention to the interests of our community members.In 2022, users listed their favorite programs on Wish List for easy retrieval.Here are the most popular countries for study abroad programs based on your wish list:

While this data may inspire your choice, just because a destination is popular doesn't mean it's right for you.To find the perfect country and program to achieve your goals, read real reviews of study abroad alums here on Go Overseas.

Additional reading: The 10 best places to study abroad in 2022

Can I study abroad during COVID?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many study abroad programs, but many have begun accepting students again.Countries worldwide process student visas and allow international students to enter as long as they follow health and safety guidelines.

The availability of study abroad programs during the pandemic depends on the country you want to study abroad in.For example, Australia and New Zealand are still significantly more restrictive for international travel, while the UK currently has no COVID restrictions on obtaining a student visa.

Read more:

How difficult is it to pack for a study abroad program?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

If you're new to long-term international travel, packing for an entire semester seems like a nearly impossible task.Fortunately, packing for a study abroad program is really as easy as packing for a week-long trip, or at least it should be.I know it may seem like you need more stuff because you'll be gone longer, but one of the most common mistakes people make when traveling abroad is actually overpacking, not underpacking.However, it is important to prepare for all the seasons you will be abroad for and to know the weather in the country.As a rough list, here are a few essentials:

  • 7-10 days worth of clothing, ranging from warm to cold to wet weather
  • Versatile shoes
  • A large backpack or duffel bag
  • A smaller day bag
  • Chargers, power supplies and converters
  • Prescription drugs
  • Travel-sized toiletries
  • Important documents in a travel folder, including passport, visa, proof of return flight (if required for entry), proof of COVID-19 vaccine, etc.
  • Emergency Money

A key to packing for any trip is to pack everything you've used every day for the past week (which should be a surprisingly small number of things) and a week's worth of clothing (stick to the basics, make it stuff you can mix and match). When deciding whether or not to bring something, consider whether you need it, and if so – it can be easily and cheaply purchased abroad?Remember, if you overpack and end up needing an extra checked bag, it can cost hundreds of dollars, so it's often cheaper to buy things abroad than to transport them back and forth.

For a complete packing list and many more tips, check out our Ultimate Study Abroad Packing Guide.

Will studying abroad delay my graduation?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

While there are exceptions for certain degrees that have an intensive course load, studying abroad will not inherently delay your graduation.Even with STEM degrees, there are ways to mitigate the impact of studying abroad to avoid a setback.Better yet, there are some circumstances in which studying abroad can accelerate your studies.If you choose a summer program, for example, you can earn an entire semester's worth of credits while abroad.

This means that even if your trip abroad slows down your path to graduation, it will be done in the most meaningful way possible, and you will gain valuable job and life skills in the process.You end up with a broader skill set and more experience than your peers, so it's worth it.

What is the best year to study abroad?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

There is no single best year to study abroad, but the most common time is junior year of college.However, it is possible to study abroad while still in your senior year or as early as your freshman year (or even in high school). Some universities have restrictions that prohibit students from going abroad in their first and last year, but a good solution is a summer study abroad program.

Please ignore the usual advice about junior year because it's easier, better, etc. Is.None of this is true, and delaying your study abroad may mean it will never happen – so go as early as possible.

Additional Reading: When is the best time to study abroad?

How hard are study abroad programs?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

The difficulty of your courses while studying abroad will depend on a few factors, including the program in which you are studying abroad, the courses you need to apply for graduation, and how much you want to challenge yourself.Some programs, z. B. Ivy League university exchange or STEM programs, are as academically rigorous as your home institution.Some program providers even have accredited research and internship programs, which may be more challenging.However, many students take their Gen Ed requirements strategically during their time abroad instead of upper-level courses.

The key to meaningful study abroad for most people is balancing school with travel and experiential learning outside of the classroom.Much of your program should focus on real cultural experiences.You should participate in local cuisine, art, traditions and past times by immersing yourself in the community.

That doesn't mean it won't be hard work, and even more so if you're on a language immersion program.Taking courses in a foreign language adds another layer of complexity, but you'll be shocked at how much you improve in a relatively short period of time.

Your experiences outside the classroom will likely be as educational as your studies.To get the most out of your study abroad experience, make new friends, participate in exciting activities, and experience a new way of life.

What is the difference between a study abroad program and an exchange program??

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

Study abroad is an umbrella term that encompasses different types of programs or courses of study.As mentioned earlier, the three most common ways are exchange programs, third-party programs, and direct enrollment.In exchange programs, two universities work directly together to exchange students, resulting in transferred credits and generally low program costs outside of tuition at the home institution.

What are the requirements for study abroad?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

With so many options, almost anyone can qualify to study abroad!However, universities and countries have different requirements that students must meet to study abroad at each location.In many countries, for example, you must be enrolled as a full-time student on campus to obtain a student visa.Another common qualification for a student visa is financial verification.You may need to prove that you have enough money to pay for your program and all living expenses throughout the semester.You may also be required to pass a physical and background check.

There may also be academic qualification requirements for you to study abroad, most likely from your home university.Contact your school's study abroad or study abroad department to find out exactly what is required.This means that even if you don't meet the GPA threshold, you can still study abroad through direct enrollment or with a third-party summer program.

What subjects can I study abroad?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

There are no limits to the subjects you can study abroad in.You can choose to study topics related to the country you're in, like Maori dance in New Zealand or sustainability in Sweden, or you can stick with your major.It is important to communicate with your home university if you plan to transfer credits to ensure they qualify.

There are also programs that will provide you with work or internship experience during your semester abroad.These are for those who want to specialize and maximize their exposure to their field in an international environment.

What is the most affordable way to study abroad?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

Direct enrollment is the cheapest way to study abroad (without scholarship opportunities). To successfully enroll directly in a university abroad, you will need to do your own research and coordinate the entire experience.It is hard work and will take significantly more time compared to exchange and third-party programs.One of the main costs (and benefits) of established study abroad programs is support and guidance throughout the semester.If you can do this work yourself, you can save a lot of money.

Another way to reduce the cost of studying abroad is to choose a country with a low cost of living or low tuition fees.For example, the German publicly funded DAAD program promotes international exchange for both German students and foreign students studying in Germany.The overall cost of studying abroad in Germany makes it an incredible choice for those trying to study abroad on a budget.

Finally, there are many study abroad scholarships and financial aid opportunities for which you could qualify!To maximize your chances of receiving funding, start applying early and apply for as many grants as possible.With hard work and a little luck, you can even fund your entire study abroad program!

Additional reading: 5 ways to study abroad for free or at low cost

Can I study abroad virtually?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

There's no denying that the coronavirus pandemic has pushed program providers to adapt to the complicated international travel environment we still currently find ourselves in.One way providers can continue to offer students meaningful experiences is through virtual study abroad programs.

Virtual study abroad programs (also called online study abroad programs) provide students with exposure to diverse communities where they learn about international issues in a global classroom setting.Like traditional study abroad programs, virtual programs vary significantly, so finding one that fits your goals and expectations is essential to a meaningful experience.

While virtual programs come with the obvious tradeoff of not actually traveling, you are still pushed to broaden your perspective and expand your international community.Plus – who knows – you might just find your future travel companion or wish list destination.

Additional Reading: What is virtual study abroad and why you should consider it?

What are the biggest difficulties in deciding on a study abroad program?

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

We've covered many of the challenges students face when studying abroad.However, to help you with the decision and planning process, we have many guides and articles right here at Go Overseas.Here are resources to guide you through the entire process, from choosing when and where to go to what to do when you return.

Make your dream of studying abroad a reality

Top questions students ask about studying abroad

When you first decide to participate in an international experience while in college, the opportunities and hurdles to making it happen can seem monumental.Fortunately, there are many resources, organizations, and people ready to help you along the way, including us here at Go Overseas.

The most difficult step is the first one where you commit to study abroad for a semester, summer, or year.Personally, my first attempt to study abroad failed because I could not afford the program.After that, I learned my lesson and spent countless hours researching and applying for scholarship opportunities, building up my savings, and was finally able to spend the semester of my dreams at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.In the end, all the time, energy and work was worth it.