Author: admin

House renovation: Costs and step-by-step instructions

If you dream of your own four walls, you are usually faced with the following question at the beginning: New or old building? If you decide to build a house, you can design it entirely according to your individual wishes and ideas. However, new construction usually comes with high costs and a long waiting period for this to happen. For many people, the choice therefore falls on the second alternative – they simply buy an existing house. But beware: with the purchase price it is usually not done, especially in older buildings.

Renovate your house: Here's how you should proceed

House renovation: Costs and step-by-step instructions

About 50 percent of the total stock of real estate in Germany is old buildings. Roughly speaking, this applies to houses that were built more than 50 years ago – i.e. before 1970. However, you should not underestimate the renovation effort of younger houses either. While you often have to reckon with structural problems such as rising damp, poor insulation and thin walls in pre-war buildings, it is not uncommon for more recent houses to have structural-chemical weak points. For example, the harmful substance asbestos was still permitted until 1993 and was thus used liberally in the construction of numerous houses.

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Deutsche Bank: tragedy with a happy ending?

Deutsche Bank: tragedy with a happy ending?

Now it is time to pay attention! Deutsche Bank (WKN:514000) is standing on the precipice. My only hope is that the new CEO Christian Sewing does not go one step further. Although I am much more optimistic about his strategy in some areas than was the case with his predecessor John Cryan.

S&P lowers the thumb

The downgrade from A- to BBB+, together with the share price development in the 9 euro range, currently gives me the most stomach ache. The bank is in a state, both with the rating agencies and on the markets, that should satisfy absolutely no investor. The CEO also already made it clear that the current share price by no means reflects the true value of the company.

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Tailor-made financing for listed houses

Tailor-made financing for listed houses

You are interested in buying a listed property? Especially in times when the supply of existing properties is limited, properties with an increased need for renovation are becoming a focus of interest. On the other hand, listed houses are also a pure affair of the heart. And less a purely rational decision based on asset accumulation. One can count on some tax advantages, on the other hand one knows also around the impassibilities with a general reorganization. You have to calculate coolly and inform yourself comprehensively before deciding to buy a listed house. Elaborate refurbishments, constant consultations with the Office for the Protection of Historical Monuments, strict requirements and financing costs that are difficult to plan in advance. This makes the purchase and renovation of a listed property exciting.

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Loan restructuring in the “savings bank” a natural person: the conditions, statements, documents and reviews

Taking out a loan from Sberbank, a person may not always meet the terms of the contract. Life goes on, man changed circumstances: layoff, divorce spousal illness. It can be granted restructuring of a loan from Sberbank individual. It eases the process for back-bank debt in a difficult financial situation.

Restructuring should not be confused with refinancing. Refinancing – this issue of Sberbank loan money to repay the loans taken out by a person with other banks. The purpose of refinancing is to combine multiple loans into one or lower interest rates on previously issued loans.

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What do hobbies cost for kids??

For children and young people, a suitable hobby is the ideal balance to school and other duties. But whether it's sports with soccer and co. or musically with singing and piano: the leisure activities of the offspring may go really into the money.

VEXCASH has taken up the topic and in a Infografik the costs of different hobbies set up as well as interesting facts to the leisure behavior of the German youth collected. For a more in-depth look at kids' and teens' favorite pastimes and passions, check out the article below.

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Finland ends homelessness and provides housing for all those in need

Finland ends homelessness and provides housing for all those in need

Finland has seen a sharp drop in the number of homeless people. The reason for this: the state applies the "Housing First" concept. Those affected by homelessness receive a small apartment and advice – without any preconditions. 4 out of 5 affected people find their way back to a stable life this way. And it's cheaper than accepting homelessness to boot.

Finland is the only country in Europe where homelessness is declining

In 2008 you could see tent villages and huts standing between trees in the parks of Helsinki. Homeless people had built temporary houses in the middle of Finland's capital city. You were exposed to harsh weather conditions.

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Pawnshop Regensburg: get fast and SCHUFA-free instant loans at the pawnshop Regensburg

Pawnshop Regensburg: get fast and SCHUFA-free instant loans at the pawnshop Regensburg

It will only be a few days until the salary is in the account, but it is imperative that the car repair is paid now? To quickly and easily get the necessary, urgently needed liquidity, a visit to the pawnshop Regensburg is an option. With an asset as collateral, there is immediate credit here, without SCHUFA query or any bureaucratic obstacles.

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The way to self-employment – 8 steps of starting a business

The way to self-employment - 8 steps of starting a business

Even though Germany is not a start-up country, every year several hundred thousand people go into business for themselves and start their own companies. For most founders, self-employment is at first a closed book. These seals have to be opened one by one, because self-employment is not witchcraft. We lay the foundation for knowing how self-employment works and how to become self-employed by outlining the eight steps of starting a business. What is important, and which stations one must go through, we represent in the following article.

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Cheap full repayment loans with interest rates below 1 percent

Cheap full repayment loans with interest rates below 1 percent

A dream for all those who are currently taking out a construction loan. Favorable full repayment loans are currently available with fixed interest rates for the entire term until full repayment of less than one percent. Who decides for a full repayment loan, decides for the greatest possible security. No matter how long the total financing runs – 25 to 30 years are not uncommon, the monthly installments to be paid to the bank remain constant over the entire period. This gives planning security and protects against interest rate jumps in the future.

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