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The 6 biggest cliches about college students

Have you ever had to listen to cliches about studying from your circle of friends or family?? Presumably especially from those who have never graduated themselves. Students often have to contend with numerous biases. We want to find out in our new article times whether at these also something is to it.

The 6 biggest cliches about college students

Cliche no.1: Students are lazy

Probably the most popular stereotype about students is that they are lazy, that studying is not a "real" job and that they just live for the day.
What many people forget, however, is that students don't have a nine-to-five job. Lectures are held between 08:00 in the morning to 21:00 in the evening in some cases. As a rule, students complete 20 to 24 semester hours per week with lectures only. Add to that the time that has to be spent on writing papers, studying and preparing for exams. In addition, almost all male and female students have a part-time job in addition to their studies. Therefore, the study of time can be compared to a full-time job, where you often have to work overtime. Especially during exam weeks, students end up doing significantly more "work" than 40 hours per week.

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Google E-A-T

E-A-T is short for expertise, authority and trust. The concept is in SEO as a guideline for search evaluators for the evaluation of search results. E-A-T is especially important for YMYL (Your money your life) websites. The first time the concept was mentioned was in the 2015 Google Quality Rater Guidelines. E-A-T rates a website's content on its expertise, authority and credibility.

The content of a page is also evaluated for its quality. The E-A-T rating differentiates between main content and suplementary content. Sense of the concept is it to offer to the users as High Quality content as possible.

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Credit card

A credit card is issued by a financial institution that allows you to borrow money to make a purchase. According to a recent Experian report, the average American owns 4 credit cards. Credit cards are not only a convenient way for people to buy things with borrowed funds, but they are also great for earning rewards.

What you need to know about paying with credit cards

While a credit card allows a cardholder to buy things instantly online, over the phone or in a store, there are consequences for not paying money back.

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Update: Heating with renew­he­renewable energies – this has become clear in the case of promotion of renewable energies­funds and grants have changed

Update: Heating with renew­he­renewable energies - this has become clear in the case of promotion of renewable energies­funds and grants have changed

The Ministry of Economics realigned the federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG) in the summer. In some cases, the subsidies have been reduced somewhat, and individual programs have been eliminated altogether. Here you can read about the most important changes.

Subsidies and low-interest loans now only for heating with renewable energies

Renewable energies have seldom been as important as they are today: after all, solar, wind and other energy sources can be used to generate electricity. not only generate electricity in an environmentally friendly way, but also heat for heating and hot water. However, z. B. the purchase and installation of a new heat pump heating system or a radiator exchange in most cases a larger investment in the own real estate. Although these expenditures are almost always worthwhile – especially with a view to a climate-friendly and thus livable future – the costs incurred for a heating system conversion must first be managed. In the spring of this year, my colleague Stefan Stullein talked to energy consultant Florian Bublies from the consumer advice center about government subsidies and grants for the replacement and modernization of heating systems based on renewable energies. Since August, however, some funding conditions have been changed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, especially for the in the sog. Federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG) included individual measures. For this reason, I spoke with Florian Bublies again a few days ago.

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Contact details and emergency numbers for your Crete trip

Contact details and emergency numbers for your Crete trip

No other Greek island is as diverse as the popular destination Crete. Here you can immerse yourself in the ancient Miotic culture in the palace of Knossos, be enchanted by the Venetian old towns and discover the impressive nature of the island in grandiose gorges. You can explore the caves of Matala and have fun swimming on the exotic palm beaches.

There are many other ways to spend an unforgettable vacation in Crete. But have you ever asked yourself what you should do in case of emergency? For example, if you lose the tickets or passport on your trip to Crete? You should be prepared for such cases, because you can never foresee what can happen during a trip. Here are some precautions you should take in any case.

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Maintenance and servicing of a private vehicle in Denmark

Maintenance and servicing of a private vehicle in Denmark

People in Denmark have a special fondness for the good things in life and buy not only that, but the nice things as well. In fact, any foreigner who comes to Denmark will find that people are buying dream cars, phones, electronics and even houses. It is certain that after only a few months in Denmark, a foreigner will start thinking about buying a used car or a new car from a dealership. This is possible because anyone working in Denmark can save enough money or get a private bank loan to buy a car. But with the purchase of a car in Denmark naturally also arises the question of how exactly to maintain the car. Car maintenance includes things like regular inspections, car insurance, servicing and changing fluids like oil, brake fluid and more.

Talk to someone who owns a private car in Denmark and they will confirm that buying a car is not the real problem. The real problem is maintaining the car so that it remains in usable condition throughout the year. Many people buy a car but sell it only a few years, if not months, later because maintenance costs can skyrocket. How much maintenance and repair costs, of course, depends on the type of vehicle, its condition at the time of purchase, and the driving habits of the owners, among other factors

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Deutsche Bank share: In at full throttle or out of the crisis after all?

Deutsche Bank share: In at full throttle or out of the crisis after all?

Deutsche Bank stock (WKN: 514000) could now provide some guesswork. Will the financial institution benefit in the short term from the corona virus through more loans? Or is the bank possibly slipping into existential distress due to the virus and a weakening economic performance? The extremes could look like this or something similar.

In any case, the share price is still at its lowest point. Since the Corona crash, the share price has corrected from 10.18 euros to the current price level of 6.68 euros. After all, since the low point, the shares have been able to climb from 4.95 euros to their current level. This corresponds to an increase of 34.9.

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The Crow: 18 behind-the-scenes secrets you never knew

A gothic action fantasy about love and revenge, dressed in leather and makeup, The Crow was a comic book movie like no other. The same year that a low-budget adaptation of The Fantastic Four was made, The Crow was a small-budget film that contained a large helping of offbeat cinematography, impressive fight choreography, and compelling story arcs. While it may not have had much extra money to throw around, it meant the crew had to think of unique ways to solve certain cinematic problems, resulting in more impressive images than expected.

Despite its many successes, the film was overshadowed by the tragic death of its lead actor, Brandon Lee, just days before filming ended. The 28-year-old son of the famous martial artist Bruce Lee passed away without ever feeling the effects of . to have learned the crow inheritance. A cult classic among comic book fans and movie buffs alike, nevertheless, a reboot starring Jason Momoa is in the works and we hope it pays homage to the stylish original. In the meantime, many interesting facts about the 1994 film have come to light in the years since its release.

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The Seat diesel scandal

In the Seat diesel scandal, affected customers can claim damages. How they defend themselves against illegal defeat devices, loss of value and driving bans. The revocation of the car loan is also an option for many consumers in the Seat emissions scandal.

Affected models in the Seat diesel scandal

Unlike the other manufacturers, Seat is very open about the emissions scandal and publishes clear information about the affected models on its homepage. 700.000 Seat vehicles are equipped with the EA 189 engine, which has been proven to have an illegal defeat device. Both 1.2 liters, as well as 1.6 and 2.0 liter engines are affected. Seat itself calls the following models:

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