Just no money left to invest? Here are two ways to leverage your stock purchases!

Just no money left to invest? Here are two ways to leverage your stock purchases!

I think you know the problem. Several stocks from your watchlist have reached an attractive entry level, but the cash holdings are unfortunately not sufficient for a purchase. Then welcome to the club.

After all, I think that each of us has probably experienced this situation at some point. And here it can come quite fast to a lot of frustration. Namely, if the courses should recover after only a short period of time.

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However, I think there is one option that you could definitely consider here. One could, for example, think about financing such spontaneous share purchases quite simply with borrowed capital.

Everyone should note, however, that some caution is in order when realizing purchases of securities with a loan. Nevertheless, I would like to show two possibilities today, how you could put such a debt financing on a solid footing.

1. About a securities loan

In concrete terms, this means that the securities held in the custody account are lent. And do so based on their individual risk. The collateral value can be up to 70% of the market value for German and European shares here.

In common practice, a maximum possible loan amount is then agreed upon. However, you can only dispose of the amount that results from the current loan value of the deposit.

Contains this for example German standard stocks with a market value of 10.000 euros, you can now use the securities loan granted to you for an additional 7.000 euros at your disposal. If you buy more shares, you can borrow against them again and increase your financial flexibility even further.

The difference to other loans is that with a securities loan you do not have to pay ongoing installments. As a rule, you only pay quarterly interest on the amount of the loan you have taken out.

However, for your own safety, you should not stretch the available credit limit too far if possible. Personally, for example, I would never use more than 20% of the current value of the securities account.

This is the only way I can be sure that I will not be forced to sell my securities even if the value of my securities account falls by 50%.

2. About a conventional loan

One can fall back for individual security purchases naturally also to a conventional credit. Because with many banks one gets this without the indication of a certain intended purpose disbursed.

And there is another advantage. With a consumer loan, in fact, you usually have to deposit virtually no collateral. A so-called wage assignment is quite sufficient here in most cases.

Compared to a securities loan, you even have something like planning security here. Since you already know from the beginning how long the loan will run and what monthly burden you have to bear.

If you invest the loan amount in high-dividend shares, then you can even reduce the monthly expenses for the loan somewhat with the dividends received, for example.

And while the loan amount decreases with each passing month, the following could still happen in return: Namely, that the purchased shares not only remain stable in value, but that their price possibly keeps rising.

If the loan is then fully repaid at some point, you would have created something like a "share credit" so to speak. With a real consumer loan, on the other hand, the purchased object is usually worth next to nothing at the end of the term.


I do not know how you see it. But I think that with the two possibilities described above, you could finance your share purchases partially with a clear conscience. At least, if one proceeds in a prudent and deliberate manner.

Because of course it must always be expected that one of the credit-financed shares does not develop in the desired direction. And of course, nothing would be worse than getting into financial difficulties later on as a result of leveraged share purchases.

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