A credit without Schufa does not have to be expensive

A credit without Schufa does not have to be expensive

Thanks to low interest rates, more and more Germans are losing their reluctance to take out a loan and are borrowing money, for example for a great vacation trip with the whole family or for a new car. It is usually easy to take out a loan from the bank, but unfortunately not everyone likes to be seen as a borrower. This is especially true for those who have a negative entry in the Schufa, because this entry shows the bank that the customer already has problems with a loan and his credit rating is not the best. If you still want to borrow money, you can do so with a credit without Schufa.

No credit rating, no credit

Banks don't lend money out of pure philanthropy, they want to make money with it. For this to be successful, the customer must be creditworthy and it must be ensured that he can actually fulfill his obligation to pay the installments on time. In order to find out the creditworthiness of the customer, the bank asks Schufa. If the customer has a negative entry, then the bank does not take the risk and rejects the loan application. Who is negatively led with the Schufa, which can try to borrow with friends, or look completely purposefully for a credit free of credit standing. But what does it mean to take out a credit without Schufa and how does this credit differ from all other credits??

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The housewife loan: what you should know about the loan without income

The housewife loan: what you should know about the loan without income

A loan for housewives is counted among the creditworthiness-free loans. The offers are generally aimed at people without their own regular income, such as housewives. When choosing a loan, some aspects should be taken into account. What requirements must be met? What is the best way to proceed if I want to take out a small loan?

FAQ about the housewife loan

What is a housewife loan?

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The curse of hate and superstition

The curse of hate and superstition

LWF-supported women's cooperative fights gender-based violence in Nepal

LALITPUR, Nepal /GENF (LWI) – Today, when neighbors call her names, Rita Lama presses the record button on her cell phone. "Such recordings are evidence if I have to fight a case in court," she says. Lama has suffered numerous types of gender-based violence in her home village of Devichour, Nepal. Through a local cooperative, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) showed her how to protect herself.

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Stop spam texts forever with these tips

Stop spam texts forever with these tips

Spam texts SMS filter: block texts from specific phone numbers or mark them as spam. [Android] SMS filter: block texts from specific phone numbers or mark them as spam. [Android] More information is stupid. I could have provided a much more detailed introductory sentence, but I think we can all agree here. I've always had a moment like this? "Oh man! A new text message! I wonder who it could be. I don't want this supposed loan to be fake."

This stuff sucks, man. Spam texts are still a relatively new tool for unsolicited correspondence. Many mobile users are not even sure what to make of it. Are they legitimate? How did they get your number? Have you signed up for anything??

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Road Construction in the USA – The Racism of Highways and Freeways

Road Construction in the USA - The Racism of Highways and Freeways

Steppenwolf's highway anthem "Born to Be Wild" painted a picture of the American highway and freeway system that still shapes our imagination today: Freedom, vastness, a view that can reach a hundred miles, an endless ribbon of asphalt stretching across America. But – this is not the whole reality..

On many car trips in my old VW bus from Oakland, where I live, to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan – 3.500 kilometers – I was always caught up in this feeling: The horizon opens up. Setting the cruise control to 70 miles per hour, out into the open, letting your mind run wild.

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How Long Does a Pre-Approval Take? A Case Study

How Long Does a Pre-Approval Take? A Case Study

Having a pre-approval on hand will guide you towards the right homes you can afford and provides you with a strong offer to stand out among other buyers. It also allows you to work with a real estate agent, as some may not work with buyers who do not have one. And while getting pre-approved, you can take care of any financial issues that may arise early in the home buying process.

Your questions about pre-approvals are answered here so you can speed up the approval process.

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The tech crash shows why I don’t invest with either leverage or credit!

The tech crash shows why I don't invest with either leverage or credit!

I don't invest with leverage or a loan, and I do so with conviction. The current tech crash is for me a good example of why investors should never actually do that. Even Warren Buffett or other star investors like Cathie Wood don't bet on these kinds of things. Whereas the Oracle of Omaha as an entrepreneur has borrowed money anyway of course.

But back to the topic: leverage or credit can make you sweat very quickly. Especially when the markets are once again volatile. Like just now in the Tech-Crash.

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Loan for operation

It is no longer just in Hollywood that surgeries are performed daily to enhance the beauty of patients. This trend has also long since arrived in Germany. But while a conventional medically necessary operation is paid for by the health insurance companies, the patient has to pay for all the services of a cosmetic operation himself/herself. This can quickly add up to several thousand euros. Often they ask for a loan for the operation. And this is also possible without further ado.

When to take out a loan for surgery

The range of operations that the health insurance does not cover is very wide. From simple liposuction to a complete facelift, everything is possible. Patients are not primarily interested in such an operation in order to improve their health. Rather, these have aesthetic reasons, which are always in the eye of the beholder.

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