Radiator replacement – when is it worthwhile?

Radiator replacement - when is it worthwhile?

There are good reasons to replace existing radiators with new ones – like my buddy Felix did. I have summarized for you how you can tell that you should replace your old heating surfaces and what is really important here.

Investigating the cause in the neighboring apartment

Actually, we wanted to celebrate New Year's Eve at Felix's house. However, he called me and told me that the heating system in his house had broken down. I went there immediately and looked at the heating system with him. The joint investigation of the causes in his apartment finally revealed several rusted spots on the radiators; in one spot, a small leak had even formed already. The case was clear: the radiators had to be replaced urgently.

Heating system and radiators must match

However, the situation is rarely as clear as it is with my buddy. Often, a radiator replacement results from a new heating system or other renovation measures: If you are planning to replace your heating system, for example, you will certainly opt for an energy-saving variant that manages with low flow temperatures. This can be, for example, a modern gas condensing boiler or a heat pump. However, older radiators tend to be small and therefore require high flow temperatures. Either you operate the system with inefficiently high flow temperatures or the radiators do not get warm properly. Therefore, when replacing the heating system, you should usually also replace the radiators.

Replace oversized radiators

Even after a house has been renovated to improve its energy efficiency, for example, by installing new windows or insulation, it may be worthwhile to invest in new radiators. This is because renovation reduces the so-called heating load, i.e. the energy that a heating system has to emit in order to keep a building pleasantly warm. After renovation, old radiators are therefore often oversized and can be replaced by smaller ones. If the radiator niches have been insulated, the old radiators may not fit in anyway. And last but not least, the visual appearance also plays an important role: modern radiators simply look nicer than some older models.

Radiator replacement: A case for professionals

You have decided to replace the radiator and wonder about the right time to do it? Of course you feel the short heating failure, as it is necessary for a radiator exchange, least in the summer. But if you plan ahead now in the winter, work can begin in the first warmer days of spring.

A radiator replacement should be carried out by an experienced installer anyway, to rule out any potential problems or damage. In addition, this can give you the best advice on choosing the right radiators. Whether panel, sectional, tubular or designer radiators, buying a radiator is all about energy efficiency, but also about size, heat transfer and design.

And as far as the costs are concerned: If the new radiators are necessary because you have put a new natural gas or oil heating system into operation, you can even apply for a financial subsidy from the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) or for a favorable KfW loan from your bank.

By the way, Felix has talked to the landlord in the meantime. The leak has been patched and he will get new radiators in the summer. We have celebrated New Year's Eve then without further ado with me.