The house renovation – maintenance or insulation?
Every house ages and after a few years it needs or needs to be renovated. Decades of repair or renovation work. The exact nature of the work depends above all on the type of facade and the exposure to environmental influences. Again and again one hears that the house reorganization offers also the perfect opportunity to insulate the house and to minimize heat losses. But is it always worth insulating old houses or is simple maintenance enough? And what should you bear in mind when renovating?
Professional planning and implementation of renovation measures
Each house has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account when renovating it. Even those who only want to carry out individual measures should call in a competent expert to avoid problems later on. It also makes sense to involve an energy consultant, as he can make the appropriate suggestions for the house. Measures that serve to preserve the facade can usually be combined well with insulation measures. An experienced energy consultant can give good tips here and takes into account the overall "house" system. Because individual measures or solutions that are not coordinated with one another can lead to damage caused by moisture, for example.
Example: If only the windows are exchanged and thereby no and/or. inadequate insulation measures have been carried out, the thermal permeability of the windows no longer matches the building envelope and damage can be caused by moisture (z. B. mold) come.
An expert should therefore be consulted for every renovation project. He is familiar with these problems, suggests alternatives and watches out for execution errors (e.g. B. inadequate waterproofing, thermal bridges and building moisture).
Costs for a renovation
The cost of a house renovation varies greatly and depends not only on the size of the house, but also on the choice of materials and labor costs. Not to be neglected are the costs for scaffolding. This is one of the reasons why it is cheaper to carry out a complete renovation of the facade and roof in one go. At the same time, it is worthwhile to insulate the house well, because the costs for this are only a fraction of the total costs. In addition, these measures are promoted by various programs.
Since the selection of the building contractor has a decisive role on the costs, a price comparison is meaningful. To find the right provider for the work, it is worth taking a look at the industrystock . Here one finds different professional offerers from different regions as well as neighboring states and can obtain several noncommittal cost estimates. Thus, the remediation is carried out not only professionally, but also at the lowest possible cost.
State subsidies for insulation
If you also renovate your house to make it more energy efficient, you can hope for generous subsidies from the state. On the one hand, the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) offers investment grants and favorable loans, but the federal states and municipalities also promote measures that serve to protect the climate.
Currently, KfW grants an investment subsidy of up to 30 % with the 430 grant.000 euros for the refurbishment to a KfW efficiency house or individual energy measures. The subsidy for private owners can also be flexibly combined with other subsidies. Interesting is also the grant 431, which covers 50% of the cost of planning and construction supervision by external experts, but is only applicable with the products 151/152, 430 and 153. KfW's 151 product also offers favorable terms (0.75% APR) for renovation to a KfW Efficiency House or individual energy efficiency measures and provides loans of up to 100.000 euros.
Information and help with applications is provided not only by local energy consultants, but also by consumer advice centers and the websites of KfW and other funding institutions.
Thanks to the energy savings from reduced heating costs and government subsidies, energy-efficient refurbishment as part of maintenance measures is worthwhile in most cases. An energy consultant provides more detailed information for each individual case.