Update: Heating with renew­he­renewable energies – this has become clear in the case of promotion of renewable energies­funds and grants have changed

Update: Heating with renew­he­renewable energies - this has become clear in the case of promotion of renewable energies­funds and grants have changed

The Ministry of Economics realigned the federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG) in the summer. In some cases, the subsidies have been reduced somewhat, and individual programs have been eliminated altogether. Here you can read about the most important changes.

Subsidies and low-interest loans now only for heating with renewable energies

Renewable energies have seldom been as important as they are today: after all, solar, wind and other energy sources can be used to generate electricity. not only generate electricity in an environmentally friendly way, but also heat for heating and hot water. However, z. B. the purchase and installation of a new heat pump heating system or a radiator exchange in most cases a larger investment in the own real estate. Although these expenditures are almost always worthwhile – especially with a view to a climate-friendly and thus livable future – the costs incurred for a heating system conversion must first be managed. In the spring of this year, my colleague Stefan Stullein talked to energy consultant Florian Bublies from the consumer advice center about government subsidies and grants for the replacement and modernization of heating systems based on renewable energies. Since August, however, some funding conditions have been changed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, especially for the in the sog. Federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG) included individual measures. For this reason, I spoke with Florian Bublies again a few days ago.

Interview with energy consultant Florian Bublies

Reischke: Hr. Bublies, the subsidy for individual renovation measures, z. B. the heating conversion to a heat pump, the installation of a connection to the district heating network or energetic renovation measures on the building envelope have just been reduced somewhat across the board. How do you assess the?

Bublies: Fortunately, in many cases the reduction is only 5%. The conversion to a heat pump heating system, for example, is currently rewarded with a 25% subsidy. Another 10% is added if the old heating system is oil or gas, and depending on the heat pump, the 5% innovation incentive is also added. For renovation measures on the building envelope, an individual renovation roadmap (iSFP) is also possible. This means that owners can ask an energy efficiency advisor to present to them in writing the sensible measures for the energy refurbishment of their house identified during an energy consultation in the form of an individual refurbishment roadmap (iSFP). With the help of a color visualization, property owners are then given a vivid, simple overview of their home's initial condition and how incremental improvement could be achieved in the recommended actions. In the case of many renovation measures, e.g. B. in the case of roof or facade insulation, there is an additional subsidy on top if an iSFP has been prepared beforehand. However, it is important that the measure to be funded is clearly and unambiguously set out in writing in the renovation roadmap. Otherwise, it could be difficult to obtain the subsidy bonus.

Reischke: If you want to convert your heating system to a solar thermal system instead of a heat pump, however, you do not qualify for the renovation roadmap bonus. But apart from the fact that such a plan is of course a good thing in principle, we at the Solingen public utility company advise the people of Solingen just as you at the consumer advice center do on the energy-related conversion and modernization of heating systems. In addition, there are a lot of energy-saving tips on the Stadtwerke homepage.

Bublies: Yes, and our energy consulting is to be understood as a first step towards heating system conversion or modernization. Often that's all it takes; an energy renovation plan is not absolutely necessary in every case. I find it interesting how clearly our government and legislators are now sending a clear signal with the changed subsidy conditions: Away from fossil fuels such as oil and gas, and in any form. This can also be seen from the fact that heat pump heating continues to be well subsidized – even as part of a hybrid heating system, for example in combination with a solar system – whereas BAFA no longer provides any subsidies at all for a new natural gas condensing boiler. And not even if this new gas heating system could technically be combined with another form of heating based on renewable energies, i.e. "renewable ready". The same applies to gas hybrid heating, which includes a renewable energy source from the outset.

Reischke: "Since mid-August, a large part of the subsidy for biomass heating systems has also been cut: from the former 35 to 40% subsidy to now only 10%. Plus possibly a further 10 % if the old system was based on oil or gas. In the meantime, it has apparently been recognized that the combustion of wood produces a considerable amount of fine dust and that many trees have to be felled to obtain new firewood. These are then no longer available for the binding of harmful CO2. Another, larger change also concerns the low-interest loans from the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW), correct?

Bublies: That's right, funding for individual measures to replace and modernize heating systems was moved under the umbrella of BAFA in August. KfW loans are now mainly only available for larger complete measures such as the renovation of an existing building into an energy-efficient house. So most KfW loans have now become BAFA subsidies, which are only paid out once the exchange or refurbishment measures have been completed. Speaking of heating modernization – so far we have mainly talked about heating replacement. However, there are also subsidies available from BAFA for optimizing heating systems in terms of efficiency. They can be applied for for an existing heating system that is more than two years old. This means that measures such as z. B. a pump exchange, the insulation of heating pipes, a hydraulic adjustment for the optimization of the operability or the exchange of radiators meant. For such measures, there is a 15% direct subsidy and a further 5% if a renovation roadmap has been drawn up for this purpose. By the way, the fee for this roadmap will continue to be covered up to 80 % by BAFA as a subsidy measure.

Reischke: In addition to the BAFA and KfW subsidies, we should also mention the support provided by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. These sog. proges.nrw subsidy applies to new biomass heating systems in combination with solar thermal, geothermal collectors based on geothermal energy, so z. B. for a geothermal heat pump, and for a single solar thermal heating system. And last but not least, we at Stadtwerke promote the conversion to a modern heating system such as a heat pump with our own Klingen Plus subsidy program and offer our customers with a heat pump heating system the favorable Klingenstrom Plus heat pump electricity tariff.

Bublies: All in all, there are still plenty of subsidies for future heating systems that can be tapped for financing.

Reischke: Thank you for talking to us.

Use promotion program for the heating conversion

With our special tariff Klingenstrom Plus heat pump you can operate your heat pump particularly favorably and except with 100% CO2-free electricity.

We also promote the conversion to a modern heating system such as the heat pump with the funding program Klingen Plus.

Interest in a heat pump?

If you are interested in a heat pump, please register without obligation. We have corresponding products in the pipeline and will then come to you.