Category: Loans

Sparkasse Mainz starts paying out Corona aid for businesses and retail customers

Sparkasse Mainz is now implementing aid through development loans for businesses and self-employed persons affected by the Corona crisis. Since Monday, 23. March 2020 applications from the first phase of the aid package of the federal government and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate are possible via Sparkasse Mainz. The first applications were already processed and forwarded by the savings bank 24 hours after the aid programs went into effect. Among other things, the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) in the course of the support measures has significantly expanded the existing programs that have been introduced. In addition, the savings bank provides its own loan funds for this purpose.

Time is of the essence for businesses

Sparkasse Mainz starts paying out Corona aid for businesses and retail customers

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Loan for moving – pay off new home in installments

Loan for moving - pay off new home in installments

Whether it's for your first home, an addition to your family, a change of job, or simply because you need more space, everyone has to move sooner or later. For anyone who owns more than just a pillow and a toothbrush, moving also always involves significant costs.

In this article you will learn how you can finance your move with the help of a loan, what you should look out for and how you can find the perfect loan for your move.

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Calculate a car loan with a final installment – here’s how

Calculate a car loan with a final installment - here's how

You need a new car and therefore also a car loan. Then you have several models available for financing. One model is the car loan with final installment. The final balloon rate is the center of a loan calculation. Closely related to the final installment is the residual value of the car at that time. So how can you calculate a sensible car loan with a balloon payment?

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Get home loan pre-approval online in three steps

Get home loan pre-approval online in three steps

It’s always best to be prepared, especially when making a financial commitment as significant as that of buying a home. Here’s how getting home loan pre-approval online can help you streamline the home-buying process.

Why get home loan pre-approval online?

Home loan pre-approval requires you to go through a prequalification process, during which you provide certain financial information, which is then used to calculate the size of the home loan you likely qualify for. You will also be provided with your credit score as part of the prequalification process.

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If maxing out your 401 (k) is not a good idea

If maxing out your 401 (k) is not a good idea

It's understandable that maximizing your 401(k) and IRA every year is a good thing. If one in three individuals has nothing saved for retirement, the maximum benefit is a benefit.

In many cases, it makes sense to exhaust all available retirement plans. This is one of the best ways to prepare for life after work. (For more information, see: 4 Ways to Maximize Your 401 (k).) However, it's not always the smartest move. Here are some of the times you don't want to maximize a 401 (k) plan.

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Index funds vs. actively managed funds – which advantages you benefit from ETFs

If you want to invest in funds nowadays, you have two major groups to choose from. On the one hand there are the classical funds, to which for example share funds or also open real estate funds rank. On the other hand, so-called exchange-traded funds, which are certainly better known to most investors and savers by the abbreviation ETFs, have now been offered on the market for more than ten years. However, many market players do not know what the differences between these two fund variants actually are and why ETFs are now the better alternative in the view of experts. Exactly this question we would like to go into in more detail in our article. We explain what distinguishes actively managed funds on the one hand and ETFs on the other hand. We will also discuss the advantages of index funds in direct comparison with active funds.

How do actively managed funds work?

Before we go into more detail about the differences and, as it were, the advantages of ETFs with regard to actively managed funds, we would like to briefly explain by way of background how both types of funds work in detail. Actively managed funds are usually classic investment funds that are also readily offered on the market as mutual funds. A typical feature of these funds is that they are actively managed. This means that the fund manager tries to select the best underlyings for the fund based on his experience and knowledge.

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House building planning from the property search to the move-in

House building / construction planning: Almost two-thirds of young professionals want to buy their own home in any case, according to the LBS survey "Young Generation. At first, young families usually think of building a house. Because the offers more room for individual wishes than a used property, is energy-efficient and therefore also favorable in the monthly operating costs – and you have a long peace from new investments. For this, however, the purchase is usually also more expensive.

Whether building a house or buying a house: at the beginning of a property search is the question of the suitable location. Flexibility is needed here, because land can be scarce and expensive in the familiar neighborhood with its social contacts – at least in the city. With trips in the closer and further environment can be explored well, which districts or places as a future center of life perhaps also come into consideration.

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Marginal employment: All info at a glance

Marginal employment, mini-job or 450-euro job are three terms used to describe the same thing in each case. Here, consumers can find out everything they need to know about the special features of mini-jobs, what taxes are due and what social security contributions have to be made.

Significance of marginal employment

What is the difference between minijob and marginal employment??

Marginal employment is also called a mini-job because it is marginal according to the law. Legally, everything is regulated in § 8 SGB IV.

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Living without credit rating: Cost traps and prepaid ways out

Living without credit rating: Cost traps and prepaid ways out

Several million (credit rating) consumers in Germany suffer from the burden of a negative payment history: a negative Schufa entry makes everyday economic transactions impossible. Banks not only categorically refuse any credit: Even a current account can only be obtained with difficulty if you are on the 'sinners' list of Schufa.

Especially the renunciation of account, card and Co. is practically impossible today: Cashless payment has been eliminated from everyday consumer life in the 21st century. It is no longer possible to imagine the 21st century without. The search engine, however, quickly finds countless offers that promise a way out of the dilemma: prepaid credit cards are offered as well as current accounts on a credit basis or credit free of information.

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