Credit despite debts

A question often asked by loan applicants is whether you can take out a loan despite debt. The answer is quite simple. Of course – if you can afford it. Having several loans at the same time is far from being a negative feature. Quite the opposite. If you have successfully repaid several loans or even loans in the past, Schufa and also the bank evaluates this experience as positive. You have thus gained experience in dealing with loans and have also repaid them in full. This significantly increases your creditworthiness, as you have sent clear signals of trust.

Also, the number of loans is not decisive. You can have 10 or 20 loans or financing at the same time. It is important that you have the necessary credit rating and always meet your payment obligations regularly. You should therefore have a sufficiently high income to be able to pay the installments without any problems. Thus you do not apply for a credit despite debts – but despite liabilities. This is a big difference. Debts are only securitized by non-payment of liabilities accordingly. Pay their on time you have leidlich chosen a form of financing.

Nevertheless, remember: The path from liabilities to debts is short. Do not overextend yourself. Always pay attention to a healthy ratio of income to liabilities. You should not knit financing with the hot needle. Then it also works out with the credit despite possible debts.

Take out a loan despite existing obligations

Today, with the lowest interest rates in the history of the Federal Republic, all kinds of attractive offers attract. Vacation, furniture, TV, car or other consumer goods can be financed quickly and everywhere. Here lies the danger of quickly overtaking and losing the overview. How quickly income situations and life circumstances can change today. Illness, unemployment or divorce are just a few aspects that can quickly lead to no longer being able to afford certain things. We therefore always recommend manageable short rates. Do not fall into the debt trap.

Weigh exactly what you can afford and what not. Keep track and keep a record of your loans. Loans despite debts are taken quickly but remember – every loan must also be repaid. How quickly many small installments can crush one. Act responsibly and never at the limit. If you have to calculate with restrictions in order to be able to afford further loans – don't do it! This is the surest sign that you will overstretch yourself. With our online loan calculator you can anonymously and without obligation compare the conditions of different providers with each other.

Credit despite debts – if one sits in the debt trap

Should you unexpectedly get into a predicament, do not solve this problem with an additional online credit. Optimize your existing loan so that you are able to service this regularly. You can talk to your creditors and make individual agreements. Your creditors have an interest to get your money and will support you. However, not when it is already too late. If your credit rating is only in the basement due to default notices or enforcement proceedings, professional help in the form of debtor assistance is recommended.