Legal protection­adjust your insurance – you can use these modules

Legal protection insurance is one of the few types of insurance in which policyholders can put together their protection from several modules. So there is no one legal protection insurance, but in each insurance of this kind are several modules integrated. However, many consumers do not know this. It makes a lot of sense to integrate only those modules into the insurance that also cover such risks that are personally present with you.

In our article, we would like to go into more detail about which modules there are in legal protection insurance and which risks are covered by them in detail. In addition, we go in each case examples, in which everyday situations the module can represent the correct protection. At the end of our article, we will discuss the different types of law, because you should also pay attention to this when taking out legal protection insurance.

Which building blocks are available in legal protection insurance??

The vast majority of legal protection insurances offered on the market consist of several modules, which policyholders can choose individually. Usually, the following four building blocks in particular are involved:

  • Private legal protection
  • Traffic legal protection
  • House and apartment legal protection
  • Professional legal protection

In the following, we would like to go into more detail about these individual components. You will learn which risks are covered in detail in which areas and we give some practical examples of when this legal protection can be useful.

Private legal protection: The basis in the legal protection insurance

As a rule, legal expenses insurance covers the costs incurred in connection with a legal dispute. These are primarily the following expenses that you have as the affected party, either as plaintiff or defendant:

  • Legal costs
  • Court costs
  • Costs for experts (expert opinions)
  • Expenses of witnesses

These costs, which are mainly incurred, are also covered by the insurer under the individual modules if a specific area of law is involved. In fact, the basis of any private legal protection insurance is usually the private legal protection module.

Here it is especially legal disputes that can arise in everyday life and therefore in the leisure sector that are covered by the private legal protection insurance. Typical examples where this legal protection module would take effect are:

  • inheritance disputes
  • Problems with tax offices
  • Problems with online shopping
  • Problems with a tour operator
  • Claims for damages against doctors
  • Legal disputes in the sports and leisure sector

So basically, private legal protection is about the entire everyday life and the private sphere, where disputes can occur again and again. Let's assume, for example, that you play ice hockey in your free time and suffer a torn ligament in your knee due to an extremely hard and inappropriate foul. You would like to receive compensation for pain and suffering from the person who caused the accident, but he or she is not willing to pay it. In such a case, there would presumably be coverage by the legal protection insurance if you have opted for the private legal protection module.

Traffic legal protection modules: legal disputes caused by road traffic

Quite a few experts even consider the module traffic legal protection to be the most important one, because in fact many causes for legal disputes can be found in road traffic. Every day, more than 30 million people in Germany are on the move on rails, roads and other traffic routes. Legal disputes frequently arise, especially between drivers, and not only after accidents.

A typical example, when the traffic legal protection would take effect, is when your driving license is to be withdrawn due to an accident. If you want to defend yourself – especially with the help of a lawyer – you will probably get a corresponding coverage promise from the legal protection insurance. However, you must then of course have this module traffic legal protection in your legal protection insurance 1 The best legal protection insurance for you – https://www.test.en/legal-insurance-comparison-4776988-0/ – Retrieved 23.10.22 integrated. But also expert opinions, which are often necessary in traffic accidents, are usually covered by legal expenses insurance.

Building block house and apartment legal protection: Often referred to as tenancy law

A third module, which is also offered by almost all legal protection insurers, is the so-called house and apartment legal protection. Sometimes this is alternatively referred to as legal protection for tenants. In this case, the legal protection insurance covers such legal disputes that are related to your real estate property or a rented apartment. This also applies, for example, to owners' associations, which may not be able to reach agreement on a measure, so that legal protection is already called upon in this case.

A classic example of when legal protection insurance with the house and apartment legal protection module takes effect affects many tenants year after year. It is then about a termination of the lease by the landlord, which is not legal from the tenant's point of view. In such a case you will usually get a cover note from your legal protection insurance, but you will have to pay for the module house and apartment legal protection resp. have tenancy legal protection integrated.

Occupational legal protection module: usually only of interest to employees

A fourth module, which you can also choose in almost any legal protection insurance, is called professional legal protection. Here, it is primarily a matter of the following incidents that can lead to legal disputes in practice:

  • Termination
  • Warning
  • Mobbing
  • Poor working conditions

In particular, a dismissal on the part of the employer often leads to a legal dispute, because only rarely do the employees concerned fully agree to the termination of the employment relationship. This is especially true for dismissals without notice, since there must usually be a valid reason, which is not necessarily seen as such by the employee. However, occupational legal protection also applies in other areas, for example, if you believe that your employer is violating regulations or that your working conditions are too bad.

In principle, the occupational law module is therefore only recommended for dependent employees, i.e. primarily for the following groups of people:

  • Workers
  • Salaried employees
  • Civil servants
  • Trainees
  • Students with a part-time job

In legal protection insurance, there are at least four building blocks that you can choose from. These cover the most important areas of everyday life in which legal disputes can arise. This is how you can put together your individual protection.

Pay attention to the different types of law

Legal protection­adjust your insurance - you can use these modules

With legal protection insurance, it is not only important to choose the appropriate building blocks. Furthermore, you should pay attention to which types of law are actually covered by the insurance. But what are types of law in general?? Depending on the reason for a legal dispute and why it arises in detail, different fields of law or even types of law are affected.

For example, if you are in trouble with the tax office and have to make what you consider to be an overpayment, this would fall under the legal type of tax law. In this case, you must make sure that tax law is also covered within the private legal protection module.

On this basis, there are a number of other types of law that can be part of the legal protection insurance and usually are, namely:

  • Criminal law
  • Contract and property law
  • Administrative offenses
  • Litigation law
  • Social law

Here again, you should decide individually which types of law are important to you personally. Criminal law is certainly one of the most important, because it can always happen that you are accused of a crime that you did not commit. Then, however, you must be able to defend yourself in court, so that the legal type of criminal law is definitely a very important and sensible component within the legal protection insurance.

Individual modules each incur costs

It should be clear that the more modules you integrate, the more expensive the legal protection insurance will be in total. For example, depending on the tariff and the number of insured persons, you will pay an average annual premium of between 250 and 500 euros for legal protection insurance with all four of the above-mentioned modules. You must therefore consider in each individual case whether the corresponding module is really necessary or whether you have a lower risk in this area of law, so that you can well do without the corresponding module.

If, for example, you are on the road every day – whether privately or professionally – with your car, traffic legal protection is definitely recommended. Then, by its very nature, there is a higher risk that you will be involved in an accident or other road incidents, resulting in litigation. If, on the other hand, you are perhaps already a pensioner and only use your vehicle once a week, you may well consider dispensing with the traffic legal protection module.

The same applies with regard to professional legal protection. Quite a few employees have been with the same employer for decades, for example, so that here, too, the risk of legal disputes arising for professional reasons is rather low. If, on the other hand, you change employers relatively frequently or are still quite new in your job, this component of occupational legal protection can be quite useful.

In this way, you will find that almost all components can be weighed up individually. Only the private legal protection should basically always be available, because there are simply too many dangerous situations and risks that can lead to a legal dispute. In addition, most legal protection insurers do not offer any legal protection insurance at all, without private legal protection being selected or to be selected as a basis in fact.

Conclusion on the building blocks of legal protection insurance

In conclusion, we can state that it is an advantage of legal protection insurance that you can put together your individual protection there with several building blocks. However, you should carefully check which module can reasonably cover a possible risk for you. For example, many insured persons opt for the combination of private and traffic legal protection, because this is where most legal disputes arise and everyday risks are also covered. Professional and residential legal protection are more of an individual decision and it also depends on your need for protection whether you want to include these components in your cover.

Sources & references

↑ 1

The best legal expenses insurance for you – – Retrieved on 23.10.22

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Oliver Schoch

Oliver Schoch is a banker and financial journalist. In the context of his specialization he writes meanwhile for 14 years articles to different financial topics such as stock exchange, insurance, financings or financial investment. Oliver Schoch likes to give readers advice for everyday financial life and shows how interesting and everyday the topic of finance is in practice.