Listed properties as old-age provision

If you want to maintain your standard of living in old age, you can't avoid thinking about your private pension plan. A rising population combined with higher life expectancy inevitably means that fewer and fewer people are paying into pension funds. In order to balance this, one builds up the private age precaution ideally on different columns, which are individually cut to the investor regarding income and net yield.

Listed properties generate high rental income

As one of the safest forms of the age precaution in Germany the purchase of a real estate is considered . If the investor has a higher income, the purchase of a listed property as an investment offers itself, because the investment in a listed property makes possible yields already before the pension age. Because listed properties in attractive locations, in the city center or close to the city with good transport links, often achieve above-average rental income. At the same time, this means above-average value stability. In places where housing supply is becoming increasingly scarce due to population growth, it comes u.U. even to an increase in value. A listed property in Berlin is a good example of this.

Ideal for the long investment horizon

If the real estate is reorganized after the purchase, the investor can profit besides from tax privileges singular in this range. Specifically, the costs associated with the renovation can be fully deducted from taxes over a period of twelve years. This reduces the tax burden and thus increases the income.

Thus, listed properties can be acquired against the backdrop of a long investment horizon and thus integrated into the investment portfolio as a stable store of value. They can be used by the owner or rented out. Both cases lead to the fact that the investor profits – by the fact that in the age no rent must be paid or from the additional incomes in the age of retirement by the letting of the real estate.

If the monument real estate is to be financed with the purchase, a healthy relationship is very important between outside and own capital funds. Interest on loans incurred in this context can also be claimed against tax. At the same time, special subsidy programs with low-interest loans are available for modernization measures for listed properties.

The bottom line: is listed real estate suitable for retirement planning??

Who would like to hold its standard of living in the age, which must make itself over its age precaution to think. As a capital investment, listed properties offer high rental income even before retirement and have an attractive potential for value appreciation. The tax advantages of a monument real estate reduce besides the personal tax burden.