Author: admin

What you need to know about the interest rates 2016

After almost eight years, it seems like interest rates are going up again in 2016. To understand what might happen next year, let's look at why interest rates are so low today, why the Fed might raise them now, and what impact that could have on your finances.

Current interest rates are so low for a reason

Lowering interest rates is one of the Federal Reserve's tools to stimulate the economy. Lower interest rates support business and consumer spending. They also make homes easier to finance, as we saw after the financial crisis.

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Accounting & bank interview = significance & importance

Accounting & bank interview = significance & importance

I won't go into the details of the legal distinctions here, but the accruals and deferrals in business accounting are, in my view, a source of misinterpretation if they are not carefully handled.

Income-expenditure statements (EAR) are based on pure payment flows. If there are shifts in the payment habits of customers and, on the other hand, expenses are incurred differently in cash terms than the year before, comparisons are difficult and the informative value decreases.

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With the Aufstiegs-BAfoG to the master, technician and Co.

With the Aufstiegs-BAfoG to the master, technician and Co.

The most important facts about the state subsidy for upgrading further education

Paul is 25 and an industrial mechanic. He is desperate to still do his technician to advance his career. Juliane is an employed hairdresser. She dreams of owning her own salon and is flirting with becoming a master craftsman. Tobias works as a media salesman in a large publishing house. He'd like to move up to editor. But this is only possible with his employer as a skilled worker. Should he dare to take the step and educate himself further?

The desire for career advancement is often great. Many are prepared to work hard for this advancement and to train accordingly. But upward training requires not only staying power, but also a certain budget. Not everyone has! This is where the Upgrading Training Assistance Act (AFBG) comes in, better known as Aufstiegs-BAfoG. To the 1. August 2020, a revised version has come into force. But what exactly does the Aufstiegs-BAfoG regulate??

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The successful credit interview – well prepared, structured and fact-based

Every person at least once in life faces the challenge of applying for a loan. In your personal life, for example, it's financing a home; professionally, it may be starting a business or freelancing. How for you to have a successful loan interview at the bank is the subject of this post.

FAQ about the credit interview

How does a credit interview work?

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Real estate for investment from Munich to Berlin

Real estate as a capital investment in Munich is particularly in demand as an investment in low-interest phases. They usually have an attractive earnings potential and are therefore also an important component in the sense of a security-oriented broad diversification of an investment portfolio.

Our conviction as investment advisors in Munich: Only a small percentage of offers are of such high quality that we can recommend them with a clear conscience. That's why, as a financial consultancy in Munich, we constantly check the market, make our selections and opt exclusively for value investments that work both in the medium and long term.

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The relationship between firms and governments in the corona pandemic

In the event of a disaster, public finances play a key role when there are spillover effects of credit risk between eurozone governments and national companies

The relationship between firms and governments in the corona pandemic

How do sovereign credit risks relate to those of domestic firms? Given house-sized corporate and government debt in advanced economies, it is important from an academic and policy perspective to understand this relationship comprehensively. For financial firms, and banks in particular, the fundamental characteristics of these active mechanisms are driven by the so-called "doom loop," the negative spiral that can occur when banks threatened with insolvency hold government bonds and governments with weak public finances bail out these banks. (cf., z. B., Acharya et al., 2014; Brunnermeier et al., 2016; Farhi and Tirole, 2018).

Moreover, empirical research has shown that credit risks are transferred between the state and the national non-financial sector (cf., z. B., Lee et al., 2016; Almeida et al., 2017). This research soberingly shows that an increase in sovereign risk negatively affects the ability of firms to repay debt, and thus their creditworthiness. Generally, these effects are thought to be magnified in states with already low fiscal space and high credit spreads because: These states have concerns about higher corporate taxes in the future as credit conditions deteriorate and anticipate a general impairment of the legal, political, and economic framework (Corsetti et al., 2013; Augustin et al., 2018).

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Better to have a short or long fixed interest rate?

Better to have a short or long fixed interest rate?

The fixed interest rate is one of the most important decisions when choosing a construction financing loan. This term determines not only the interest rate but also what risk you take. For all those who do not seek full repayment of the loan – that is, repayment in full within the term of the initial financing, must refinance the remaining debt after expiration with a follow-up financing. But who can estimate today how z. B. In 20 years the construction interest rate quoted? If the interest rate has risen massively at this point, there is a threat of a much more expensive follow-up financing of the remaining debt. On the other hand, a full amortization loan costs much higher interest during the fixed term compared to a very short fixed interest rate of 5 years. What factors play a role in the decision?

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Subsidy fraud – Corona and criminal liability

Not only about the Corona virus itself, but also about criminal proceedings because of subsidy fraud and other offences in connection with Corona are reported almost daily.

Have you heard that in times of Corona you can easily claim financial help through the so-called Corona emergency aid and short-time allowance? Many of your acquaintances have already filed such applications for their businesses and now you are thinking that you too could take advantage of the opportunity? Particularly as times only quickly fill out an online application form. It is precisely this speed that can prove to be a pitfall.

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