Author: admin

The first own car: Tips for the new freedom

The first own car: Tips for the new freedom

Driver's license in your pocket, a smile on your face, all that's missing is the right wheels. We describe the five most important steps to ensure that everything goes smoothly when buying your first own car.

Step 1: Search and find the right car

Before you start looking, create a budget. What are your financial options? Do you have to take out a loan? Only then go on the search – a good overview is offered by car sales platforms on the Internet. As a general rule, used cars should ideally have a vehicle age of ten years and a mileage of 150.000 kilometers must not be exceeded. Safety systems such as anti-lock brakes and electronic stability control should definitely be on board; also airbags for the driver and front passenger.

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Installment loan repayment: early repayment and immediate repayment

Installment loan repayment is made in monthly installments during the agreed term of the loan. An installment is composed of the repayment amount and the interest portion. With most installment loans, the installment to be paid remains constant over the entire term of the loan. At the end of the term, both the loan and the interest are paid off.

When is it worthwhile to repay an installment loan early??

When taking out a loan, you have intensively considered the term of the interest and the rates. But now you have come into money unexpectedly before the end of the loan term – whether through a windfall, an inheritance or a pay rise. If you now repay the installment loan directly, you can thereby reduce the interest significantly.

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Income management during retirement

Income management during retirement

Managing your income is always important, but it becomes even more important in retirement when your income comes from your savings, not wages and income. Because your source of income – which you saved so carefully while you were working – is limited in retirement, you need to make sure it will last the rest of your life. This means determining your income needs in the years leading up to retirement and, once you retire, managing your retirement assets efficiently. In this article, we'll look at some points to consider when doing these things.

Planning in pre-retirement years

As the time for retirement approaches, there is always the possibility that the amount you were sufficient to fund your retirement year will not be enough. Reasons can include cost-of-living increases and unexpectedly low investment returns. To improve your chance of a financially secure retirement, periodically reassess your retirement income and sources over the last 10 years before your expected retirement date.

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Listed properties as old-age provision

If you want to maintain your standard of living in old age, you can't avoid thinking about your private pension plan. A rising population combined with higher life expectancy inevitably means that fewer and fewer people are paying into pension funds. In order to balance this, one builds up the private age precaution ideally on different columns, which are individually cut to the investor regarding income and net yield.

Listed properties generate high rental income

As one of the safest forms of the age precaution in Germany the purchase of a real estate is considered . If the investor has a higher income, the purchase of a listed property as an investment offers itself, because the investment in a listed property makes possible yields already before the pension age. Because listed properties in attractive locations, in the city center or close to the city with good transport links, often achieve above-average rental income. At the same time, this means above-average value stability. In places where housing supply is becoming increasingly scarce due to population growth, it comes u.U. even to an increase in value. A listed property in Berlin is a good example of this.

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Legal protection­adjust your insurance – you can use these modules

Legal protection insurance is one of the few types of insurance in which policyholders can put together their protection from several modules. So there is no one legal protection insurance, but in each insurance of this kind are several modules integrated. However, many consumers do not know this. It makes a lot of sense to integrate only those modules into the insurance that also cover such risks that are personally present with you.

In our article, we would like to go into more detail about which modules there are in legal protection insurance and which risks are covered by them in detail. In addition, we go in each case examples, in which everyday situations the module can represent the correct protection. At the end of our article, we will discuss the different types of law, because you should also pay attention to this when taking out legal protection insurance.

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Three exceptional book recommendations for your financial success

Three exceptional book recommendations for your financial success

If you want to get rich, then buying a few good stocks won't be enough. You will have to constantly develop and improve yourself to achieve this goal. Books can be extremely helpful along the way.

The following three books may not be as well known. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, they are excellent companions on your path to financial success!

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The business with the money lending – who lends money beside the banks?

Who can lend me money? Borrow money quickly, immediately and today? This is how I managed to have cash in my account in 24 hours. If you want to borrow money at short notice, here is my personal story of how I was able to borrow money online without a bank.

How to get cash immediately when I need it fast? Here you can find reputable private lenders who can lend you money today!

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