Radiator replacement – when is it worthwhile?

Radiator replacement - when is it worthwhile?

There are good reasons to replace existing radiators with new ones – like my buddy Felix did. I have summarized for you how you can tell that you should replace your old heating surfaces and what is really important here.

Investigating the cause in the neighboring apartment

Actually, we wanted to celebrate New Year's Eve at Felix's house. However, he called me and told me that the heating system in his house had broken down. I went there immediately and looked at the heating system with him. The joint investigation of the causes in his apartment finally revealed several rusted spots on the radiators; in one spot, a small leak had even formed already. The case was clear: the radiators had to be replaced urgently.

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One year flood disaster: IHK takes stock of the economy in the Ahr Valley

One year flood disaster: IHK takes stock of the economy in the Ahr Valley

On 14. July marks the first anniversary of the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley. At that time, about 800 CCI member businesses were also severely damaged or destroyed. How the economy stands today, that was the topic of the conversation with the IHK Koblenz.

In the past year, numerous ideas for the re- or. Reconstruction emerged at the future conferences. With all the good ideas, it is now crucial that they are not forgotten, but implemented in a timely manner. Roads, streets, sewers, and district heating must now be repaired. This is the only way to revive trade and tourism. – Jorg Schafer (IHK Vice President)

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The small loan – The cash injection for financial bottlenecks

Who is not familiar with unexpected financial expenses in life?. Sometimes the washing machine is broken, then the child needs a complete set of equipment to start school, you want to give your parents an expensive gift for their golden wedding anniversary, etc. – All this costs quite a bit of money, which you don't always have at your disposal. In such cases you can help yourself well with a small loan. The application is quite straightforward and the term is manageable.

Min. Loan amount 3.000 € 4.000 € 3.000€
Max. Credit amount 65.000 € 50.000 € 50.000 €
More " More Details " More details " More details

Small sums, big help

As the name suggests, a small loan involves manageable sums ranging from a few hundred to approx. 10.000 euros lent. This is an installment loan, where the amount of money is paid off in constant monthly amounts. Unlike a construction loan, which can have a term of up to 20 years, the term of a small loan is usually manageable, depending on the amount between 12 to 36 months are most common, but there are also variants with a term of up to 120 months.

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Current account in Austria: The online salary account

Current account in Austria: The online salary account - Our big guide

The checking account is the hub for daily payment transactions: bills, rent, wage income – all movements go through the checking account. If it is still usual in Austria to have the account with the house bank, change in Germany ever more citizens with their current account to the direct bank. Especially because direct banks offer their customers free current accounts – including ATM cards and online transfers.

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The recipe for success on the stock market: patience

Over the past two months, equity markets have been mostly benign. Record here, record there. I read about one of the best starts to a year since 1991, elsewhere even since 1975. What's being glossed over: But we got them with sharp price declines in 4. Quarter 2018 "paid off". A good part of the declines suffered have now been recovered, sometimes even overtaken. The realization: patience pays off on the stock market.

The recipe for success on the stock market: patience

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Let me tell you about it Studying with this federal army

Studying at one of these universities A commiss As part of Munchen weiters Hamborg will respons by the bank then pass, Provided that you let yourself be formed to the officer. Respons rush wahrenddessen expire selection depleted many different subjects. Before your studies, you will complete your basic military training for about one year. As a student you get respons u. a. Your salary, which is in line with your current rank. In order to be able to higher education, respons have to commit themselves to hands of favor tradeswoman longer interval like professional soldier. In most of the cases it is said that they are the one 13 years.

A university education wanneer fighter of the armed forces

Which Bundeswehr has via favor Alma Mater into Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Furthermore the following Alma Mater in Minga. These exist perfectly loose next to the other universities & colleges As part of the two cities. Expire university within Bavarian metropolis carries meanwhile the name "university of a federation Munchen" (abbreviated secondary "UniBwM"), the university in free and Hanseatic city Hamburg carries the image "Helmut Schmidt university – academy of some commission Hamburg" opening round bracketabbreviated means "HSU/UniBwH "bracket to.

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Funding opportunities and grants

Minimize through funding opportunities and grants

Funding opportunities and grants

the costs of your occupation-accompanying further training

Professional training is now one of society's requirements and is therefore no longer just an individual matter. The importance of qualification measures that meet requirements for employees as well as specialists and managers in companies and institutions and the acquisition of current specialist knowledge is increasingly being recognized, promoted and rewarded ideally or also financially by the state, but also by employers.

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